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Yet Another ObamaCare Sweetheart Deal Uncovered

Posted by Jayme Rosandich on January 20, 2012

Speaker Pelosi famously said we had to pass the Healthcare Bill to find out what’s in it.  The latest news on ObamaCare reveals more hidden provisions and shows once again how American job creators and American physicians have not liked what they discovered in the massive 2700-page law.


On Wednesday, 19 state hospital associations voiced their opposition to a hidden provision in Obamacare: a sweetheart deal that benefits only hospitals in Massachusetts at the expense of hospitals in 49 other states. These rural hospitals are upset about the provision that benefits Massachusetts above all other states, joining the list of infamous ObamaCare special deals that were used to "persuade" Democrat Members into voting for the massive health care overhaul.


Because one small hospital in Massachusetts changes its Medicare status, the other 60 Massachusetts hospitals suddenly qualify for an extra $200 million in Medicare subsidies. According to a letter from the hospital associations, hospitals in 49 states will see their Medicare rates slashed by $3.5 billion over the next 10 years to pay for the "Bay State Boondoggle," a provision that overrode Medicare's rules regarding its hospital wage index system, providing a financial windfall for Massachusetts hospitals.


Physicians are similarly unenthused, specifically about the impact of ObamaCare on their practices.  As an op-ed in yesterday morning’s USA Today notes, “many doctors are becoming wary of the law at a time when only one in three Americans support it.”  The piece cites a recent Deloitte survey of physicians, which found that 83% of physicians believe ObamaCare will increase wait times, while only 27% believe the law will reduce costs through efficiency savings.


Coincidently, small business polling data released by the US Chamber of Commerce, also yesterday, revealed what many Americans already know – that Obamacare is increasing uncertainty and reducing hiring.  A whopping 74% of businesses said that Obamacare makes it harder for their firms to hire new workers, and 30% said they are not hiring thanks to Obamacare.  The survey is consistent with other reports; analysts at UBS have stated that Obamacare is “arguably the biggest impediment to hiring, particularly hiring of less skilled workers." It is no wonder that many doctors are becoming wary of the law at a time when only one in three Americans support it.

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