BBC News US Election

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Barack Obama
-33 electoral votes needed for Democrat win
Mitt Romney
64 electoral votes needed for Republican win
  • California 55
  • Colorado 9
  • Connecticut 7
  • District of Colombria 3
  • Delaware 3
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  • Iowa 6
  • Illinois 20
  • Massachusetts 11
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  • New York 29
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  • Louisiana 8
  • Maine 0
  • Missouri 10
  • Mississippi 6
  • Montana 3
  • North Carolina 15
  • North Dakota 3
  • Nebraska 5
  • Oklahoma 7
  • South Carolina 9
  • South Dakota 3
  • Tennessee 11
  • Texas 38
  • Utah 6
  • West Virginia 5
  • Wyoming 3
270 to win
7 November 2012 Last updated at 10:19 ET

Obama says: 'Best is yet to come'

Barack Obama: "I have never been more hopeful"

US President Barack Obama pledges to reach across the political divide as he basks in a resounding election win over Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Massachusetts Democratic Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren waves to supporters before voting (6 Nov)Senate set for Democratic control

Democrats are on course to retain control over the US Senate, while Republicans will stay in charge of the House

Election analysis

Mark Mardell, North America editor Article written by Mark Mardell Mark Mardell North America editor

Four more years of what?

The Obama faithful's chants of four more years prompt the question: "Four more years of what?" says the BBC's Mark Mardell.

Read full article

Katty Kay, BBC World News Article written by Katty Kay Katty Kay Presenter, BBC World News

Candidate Profiles

Live: US presidential election

    1409 EST:

    And that concludes our live coverage of the 2012 US election. Thank you for joining us. You can stay up to date with the very latest election news and analysis on our special report page.

    1404 EST:

    And before we sign off, Heather Smith, president of Rock the Vote, has released a statement saying the size, diversity and engagement of young adults played a crucial role in the election. "More than 22 million cast a ballot, making this generation an essential and powerful voting bloc."


    That North Dakota Senate race we just said was up for grabs? Associated Press is reporting that Republican Rick Berg has just conceded to Democrat Heidi Heitkamp.


    The other results we still await are gubernatorial races in Montana and Washington, and a recount is looming over a Senate race in North Dakota.


    Let's bring you up to date on some outstanding matters. Several races have still not been called. Florida continues to sort through 18,000 absentee ballots although unlike in 2000, it's only the size of Obama's overall victory that is in doubt. Result expected this afternoon.

    1325 EST:

    Do you still have questions about last night? The BBC's Katty Kay will be answering your questions on Twitter at 1500 EST. Send in your questions using the hashtag #AskKattyBBC.


    A woman in South Korea carries a cardboard cut-out of Romney home from a US election party. The result was closely watched in Asia. Officials in Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand and other nations have sent congratulations to Obama.

    A woman in South Korea carrying a cardboard picture of Romney
    1302 EST:

    President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina has sent her congratulations to President Obama. But she warns that he must "assume the role of global leader to overcome this political and economic crisis".


    The Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan writes that Obama's victory speech reminded him of "how deeply American he actually is". The British-born Sullivan says the great American experiment is about "being both white and black, both mid-Western and Hawaiian, both proudly American and yet also attuned to the opinion of mankind".


    New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who became a central figure in the campaign, has told ITV News that he received a phone call from UK Prime Minister David Cameron after storm Sandy devastated parts of his state.


Comment and Analysis


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