Rep. Grimm Disappointed in Failure to Outlaw Sex-Selective Abortions

Jun 1, 2012 Issues: Health

WASHINGTON, DC Congressman Michael G. Grimm (R,C-NY)  issued the following statement expressing outrage by the failure of the House yesterday to pass H.R. 3541, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA), which would outlaw abortions performed solely because of the unborn infant’s gender, also known as “sex-selective abortions”:

“I find it disappointing that legislation to outlaw the barbaric practice of sex-selective abortions failed to pass the House of Representatives.  Beyond my religious and pro-life views, I believe to end the life of an unborn baby girl simply because her parents were hoping for a boy is absolutely disgusting and horrific, not to mention the ultimate betrayal of women’s rights.

“This is more than a pro-life issue; this is a human rights issue.  Gender-based abortions are the kind of terrible acts we hear about in nations abroad. As Americans, we are better than that. I will continue to work with my colleagues to garner more support to outlaw this reprehensible practice in the future.”

