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2013 Inauguration Ticket Requests

Inaugural Ceremony
Thank you for your interest in tickets for the 2013 Inaugural Swearing-In at the U.S. Capitol.  Please understand that my office will receive only a limited number of tickets for the ceremony as determined by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.   

Due to the expected high volume of interest, I cannot guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled.  Please fill out the form below to be put on the request list.  My office will not be able to notify you of the availability of tickets until early January. 

If you have any questions about the Swearing-In Ceremony at the U.S. Capitol, please contact Katy Summerlin in my office at (202)-225-5136.

Inaugural Parade
The inaugural parade is open to the public. For more information, please visit

Inaugural Balls
The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) plans the official Presidential Inaugural Balls. These events require tickets that will be available only through the PIC.  Please visit for more information.     

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