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Introducing Social Sign In

Social Sign In buttons allow your visitors to easily connect with your site. More

AddThis Named Top Innovator in Advertiser Data by Data Week

The US's largest data conference crowd-sourced votes for greatest data innovations. AddThis' work in advertising and audience modeling... More

Social Data from the 2012 Presidential Election
By now you’ve certainly heard the news that President Barack Obama will spend another four years in the White House. The AddThis network was extremely active as election results were flowing in and when the official announcement was made. See … Continue reading

Election Day Predictions
After 2.5 years and over $2B spent by both candidates, we have arrived at election day. Pundits from both sides are predicting comfortable victories, but what does the data say? If online behavior is any indication, neither candidate should feel … Continue reading

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AddThis plugins are loaded over 3 billion times a day, generating 10 terabytes of data daily. That's as much data as a digital Library of Congress weekly.



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