
Rehberg, Rural Colleagues Fight to Protect Essential Air Service

Impacts for Airports in Glasgow, Glendive, Havre, Lewistown, Miles City, Sidney, West Yellowstone, Wolf Point

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today joined rural colleagues in sending a letter to House Transportation & Infrastructure Chairman John Mica (FL-07) and Ranking Member Nick Rahall (WV-03) as well as to Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Thomas Petri (WI-06) and Ranking Member Jerry Costello (IL-12) urging them to remove language from the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization that would phase out Essential Air Service (EAS) by October 1, 2013.  Montana currently has 8 Essential Air Service Airports.

“We’ve got to reauthorize the FAA to ensure Montana’s airport improvement projects stay on track, but I hope we can do it without sacrificing rural communities,” said Rehberg.  “This isn’t about political party – in fact, both sides are wrong in this case – it’s about understanding and addressing the unique challenges of living in a rural state like Montana.  What we need is a long-term fix that protects Essential Air Service and fulfills a promise that was made to our rural communities.  That’s what we asked them to do in our letter.”

H.R. 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act includes language to gradually phase out EAS and terminate the program on October 1, 2013.  This action would almost certainly end commercial air service to approximately 106 rural communities throughout the continental United States, including eight in Montana.  It also comes at a time when many rural communities sit on the brink of economic recovery.

Last year, the long-term reauthorization stalled in the Senate, resulting in a short-term extension.  Rehberg opposed that language because it targeted Glendive for closure.  Now, as both chambers work out a final bill in Conference Committee negotiations, he is working to ensure the new law doesn’t cut the legs out from underneath these airports that so many folks rely on.

The full letter is below:

Dear Chairmen Mica and Petri and Ranking Members Rahall and Costello:

As you enter final negotiations on a long term reauthorization of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) programs, we respectfully request that you work to ensure the integrity of the Essential Air Service (EAS) program is preserved in the final FAA conference report.

EAS is vital to maintaining airline service to our country’s smaller, rural areas and ensures that businesses and residents have access to the national transportation system.  The sunset provision in the House-passed legislation, H.R. 658, would gradually phase out EAS and terminate the program on October 1, 2013.  Should the provisions included in H.R. 658 become law, there will be severe impacts to approximately 106 rural communities, many of which continue to have unemployment levels higher than the national average and are struggling towards economic recovery. EAS provides a vital link that our communities need to remain accessible and competitive in attracting new businesses. Congress has an obligation to provide a level playing field for rural Americans when it comes to transportation and the economic opportunities that transportation provides. The proposed phase out of the EAS program represents a step back for Rural America as it struggles to create jobs, attract industry and connect with the rest of the country.

As the conference committee continues its work, we encourage you to reject this sunset provision and preserve the integrity of the EAS program.  We appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to working with you in the future.
