
Rehberg Launches Initiative to Harness Grassroots Support for Rural Postal Service

Urges impacted Montanans to vote through their post office

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, is launching an initiative to channel the grassroots concern he’s seeing around Montana in response to proposals to close more than 80 post offices in the state.  The Mail Drop Montana Initiative will utilize the Postal Service to send a message to Washington bureaucrats who are trying to “fix” the U.S. Postal Services’ problems on the backs of rural states like Montana.

“As I’ve been traveling throughout the state these last few weeks, I’ve once again seen just how important these post offices are to rural communities,” said Rehberg.  “When the Postal Service made these post office closure recommendations, the Post Office send us a stack of paper full of figures and statistics.  But what they were missing was the human aspect of their plan.  My Mail Drop Montana Initiative will give each of these targeted post offices a voice in the process.”

Rehberg is encouraging Montanans to get more vocal in expressing their concerns.  He’s asking them to mail him letters – from their threatened post offices.  He wants them to detail how a proposed closure will affect their families and communities and whether the alternative the Postal Service has proposed will work for them.  Rehberg will deliver all of Montana’s letters straight to the Postal Service so that their concerns are heard.

“I have found that the best argument is one that starts with Montanans,” said Rehberg.  “That’s why I’ve been leading the charge in Montana to protect rural post offices and preserve six day postal delivery.  Washington just doesn’t get it – we can’t solve all of our problems on the backs of rural states like Montana.  For me, this is about doing the right thing for Montana and that means I’ll keep fighting bad ideas no matter which political party they come from.”