
Rehberg Finds More Ways to Voluntarily Reduce Office Budget

WASHINGTON D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, continued to “walk the talk’ in Congress by cutting back expenses at his offices by opting out of receiving printed Congressional publications that are also posted on-line, saving nearly $3,000 annually for taxpayers.

“For too long, bureaucrats in Washington have not respected hard-earned taxpayer dollars. I’m taking the big steps, as well as the small ones, to change that thinking,” said Rehberg. “While the opponents of spending reform talk out of both sides of their mouth and vote to triple our nation’s debt, Montanans have been finding ways to make their budgets work.  I’ll continue to do that, as well.”

Rehberg turned down printed versions of five government publications, including the Congressional Record and the Federal Register. This follows Rehberg’s previous actions earlier this year when he reduced his congressional office operating budget by 5%, and supported further cutbacks of 9% to the budget of the House Appropriations Committee, of which he is a member.

“This step is by no means going to balance the federal budget, but I’m going to keep on hammering away at deficit spending and building a more secure future,” said Rehberg, whose first action this 112th Congress was to introduce a Balanced Budget Amendment. “It’s really as simple as making a choice to live within our means, as individuals, families, and as a nation governed by fiscally responsible policies.