
Rehberg Criticizes President Obama for Delaying Keystone XL Decision Until After 2012 Election

BILLINGS, MT – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement after the Obama Administration announced plans to push off the decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline until after the 2012 election.  The Obama Administration had previously promised to make a decision by the end of the year.  In Montana, the pipeline will create good paying jobs and add an estimated $7.5 million in State tax revenues.

“Pushing this important decision off until after the election is another sign that President Obama seems more concerned about his job than he is about creating good paying jobs in Montana and America.  Folks in Montana understand the Keystone XL is about jobs.  It’s not about who wins or loses an election next year.  This is about getting our economy back on track.  The Obama Administration set a deadline for a decision by the end of the year, and they need to honor their word.  It’s time to put politics aside and get behind this common-sense pro-job policy.”