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Promoting Family Literacy Should Be a Priority Every Day

CONTACT: Jamie Hanks | (202) 225-8490

Promoting Family Literacy Should Be a Priority Every Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Literacy is a vital component of advancing education, improving workforce skills and ending the cycle of poverty.  This week, I am proud that the importance of adult and family literacy will be celebrated and promoted.  

On Tuesday, Oct. 6, the U.S. House of Representatives voted unanimously to raise public awareness of adult education and family literacy programs by declaring Oct. 18-24, 2009 as Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.

H.Res. 707, which I cosponsored, calls on the American public to help adult learners in need of literacy services and to support programs that assist adults in improving their reading, writing and English-speaking skills.

There is an indisputable relationship among the education of the parent, the poverty status of the home, and the likelihood of the child's success in school.

Congress, as well as our nation, must recognize and address the educational needs of parents and children simultaneously.  By tackling the interconnectedness of the problem, we can help “ensure each and every citizen has the necessary literacy skills to succeed at home, at work, and in society.”

In addition to commemorating Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, the impact of family literacy should be recognized each day. Educating the entire family will lead us to real, long-lasting solutions to our nation’s educational challenges.
