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House Committee on Financial Services - Washington, DC

House Committee on Financial Services
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  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • James Rimes
    • James Rimes
      It's just not getting better..PLEASE INVESTIGATE
    • Barry Schmittou
      Obama Manslaughter and Bribery Evidence !! Two MetLife executives gave Obama huge Contributions !! One year later they both signed page 5 of the DOJ agreement where no one was prosecuted for rigging multimillion dollar bids!! You’ll see overwhelming evidence proves MetLife is still ignoring life threatening medical conditions when patients file claims on the policies MetLife rigged bids to sell. This bribery evidence can destroy Obama’s Chance to win but Republican leaders Blackburn, Issa and Grassley continue to do nothing even though many citizens have requested immediate action !! On the following website you’ll also see links to evidence I’ve filed with two Congressional Committees (and handed to Congresswoman Blackburn personally) that proves Obama is protecting ten deadly patterns of corporate crimes :
    • James Rimes
      Bank of America/Mcguire Woods have been involved in some "BRAZEN FRAUD" in this Case... The Wheels of Justice are grinding against all of the NON citizens united or otherwise LIVING entities fiercely. Please do something about this financial system sooner rather than later.... CURRENTLY IT IS A REPUGNANT INJUSTICE!!!
  2. LikesSee All
  3. Did you know that for every ONE new job in the Obama economy, TEN people simply gave up looking and dropped out of the workforce? During the Obama Administration, the number of people not in the labor force has grown by 8.2 million while total employment has grown by less than 800,000. This means that during the Obama years new workforce dropouts have outnumbered new employees by 10 to 1.