Rokita Earns Guardian Award from 60 Plus Association – Pat Boone: ‘Seniors Can Depend on Todd Rokita’

Sep 26, 2012 Issues: Health

September 26, 2012                                                                   

Contact: Josh Britton

Phone: (202) 225-5037



Rokita Earns Guardian Award from 60 Plus Association – Pat Boone: ‘Seniors Can Depend on Todd Rokita’


(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita today received the Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award from the 60 Plus Association at a healthcare town hall meeting hosted by the group at the Indiana Statehouse. Rokita has strongly opposed Obamacare and has voted in the House to fully repeal it at every opportunity. (Please see below for a release from the 60 Plus Association featuring quotes from music legend Pat Boone in praise of Rokita’s pro-senior voting record in Congress.)

“As a member of the House Budget Committee, I’ve worked with Chairman Paul Ryan to help lead an adult conversation about the future of Medicare and Social Security – and now, it’s time to move forward with action. If we are to keep our promises to current retirees, and to end the practice of intergenerational theft from our children and grandchildren, we have to make market-driven reforms and ensure that benefits go to those who truly need them. The longer we wait, the more expensive and difficult the choices will be to make,” said Rokita.     

The healthcare town hall is part of 60 Plus’ “Let’s Do Better” bus tour, which is visiting seniors in their communities to highlight the threat posed by Obamacare and the need to replace it with patient-centered reforms. The current leg of the bus tour is traveling through states across the South, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest. The bus tour will be in Indiana today and tomorrow, with additional stops in Richmond, Carmel, West Lafayette, Lakeville and Valparaiso.

According to 60 Plus: “This legislation, which remains unpopular with seniors, cuts Medicare, cripples Medicare Advantage, establishes a “Medicare IRS”, and generally provides for a bureaucratic takeover of important health care decisions — all unpopular with seniors.”

60 Plus, founded more than 20 years ago and currently supported by some 7.2 million “senior activists,” is often referred to as the conservative alternative to the AARP. The group funded by voluntary donations from over a quarter-million donors and does not accept taxpayer funding, unlike the AARP.



The 60 Plus Association

515 King Street · Suite 315 · Alexandria, VA  22314

Phone 703.807.2070 · Fax 703.807.2073 ·

Kill the Death Tax. Protect Social Security. Energy Security.


James L. Martin

Amy N. Frederick

Rep. Roger Zion (R-IN, 1967-75)

Pat Boone



Honorary Chairman

National Spokesman





FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              Contact:  Amanda Kahl

September 26, 2012                                                                                          717-856-5553


Music Legend Pat Boone Sings Praises of Rep. Todd Rokita


(Indianapolis, IN) – Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, spokesman for the national non-partisan senior citizen group the 60 Plus Association, announced that Congressman Todd Rokita (R-IN) has earned the group’s Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award, for his pro-senior voting record as a member of Congress.

In a statement released by 60 Plus, Boone remarked, “I’m still singing at concerts, but I’m also singing the praises of Todd Rokita. Seniors can depend on Todd Rokita.”  Boone, 78, is a native of Florida, having been born in Jacksonville. He and his wife, Shirley, have been married for 57 years and reside in Beverly Hills, California.

Boone is also familiar to audiences as a star of film and television. Boone has had 38 top-ten hits since his recording career began in the 1950s, and, according to Billboard magazine, holds the record for the most consecutive weeks (220) on the charts by any performer.

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, who founded the organization in 1992, was personally on hand today in Indianapolis to present the award to Rokita, adding, “Congressman Rokita has proven to be one of the staunchest allies seniors have in Washington.  He can be counted on to preserve Social Security and Medicare.”

Promises made. Promises kept.

"And Rep. Rokita will continue to fight to protect the pocket books of senior citizens and end the wasteful spending of our tax dollars, which has our government now borrowing over 40 cents of every dollar to pay its bills. Seniors have to live within their means and so should our government.  And just like he promised, Congressman Rokita has been a consistent and forceful advocate on behalf of repealing and replacing government run health care at every opportunity.  Todd Rokita is a man of his word. While the Obama Administration denies it ‘cut’ Medicare, even Nancy Pelosi said ‘we cut over half a trillion dollars from Medicare’.  The difference is while Pelosi voted FOR the cuts, Todd Rokita voted AGAINST the cuts to Medicare.”

The Association’s Guardian Award is presented to Democrats and Republicans based on their “senior friendly” voting records.  Previous Indiana recipients include Governor Mitch Daniels, Republican Senators Richard Lugar and Dan Coats, and Republican Reps. Mike Pence, Dan Burton and Larry Bucshon.  Democrat recipients include U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA).


The 60 Plus Association is a 20-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security and Medicare, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues featuring a less government, less taxes approach as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution.  60 Plus calls on support from over 7 million activists.  60 Plus publishes a newsletter, SENIOR VOICE, and a Scorecard, bestowing awards on lawmakers of both parties who vote “pro-senior.”   60 Plus has been called, “an increasingly influential senior citizen’s group.”