Garrett Urges Governor Christie to Expand Disaster Declaration to Include Entire Fifth District

Nov 3, 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05) sent a letter to Governor Chris Christie requesting him to expand his request to FEMA for individual and public assistance to include Sussex, Passaic and Warren counties.  Governor Christie has already declared Bergen County as a disaster county. 

“Governor Christie has been a great leader during New Jersey's most trying time, but, as our state comes together to recover, the widespread damage to Sussex, Passaic and Warren counties needs to be accounted for,” said Garrett after sending the letter. “I am requesting that these counties are included in the Governor's disaster declaration so the people and municipalities who were affected by this terrible storm can qualify for the individual and public assistance from FEMA they desperately need.”

The complete text of the letter to Governor Christie can be found below:

The Honorable Chris Christie

Governor of New Jersey

Office of the Governor

Trenton, NJ 08625

Dear Governor Christie:

I would like to thank you for your leadership during Hurricane Sandy and for your continued leadership as we enter the recovery and cleanup phase.

I understand that federal hazard mitigation grant assistance has been approved for the entire state, and that you have approved individual and public assistance for several specific counties. The storm, however, caused widespread damage in other counties that were not granted such assistance at this time by FEMA and other federal and state agencies.

I respectfully request that you ask President Obama and FEMA for the inclusion of Passaic, Sussex and Warren Counties in any and all post-disaster recovery programs, and that they be designated as parts of the disaster area. My constituents in these counties are experiencing fuel shortages, lack of power, and many of the other problems afflicting the rest of the state. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for providing critical assistance and leadership to the people of New Jersey in this time of difficulty.


Scott Garrett

Member of Congress
