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10/28/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: Stopping the EPA
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Stopping the EPA As I travel throughout the 23rd District of Texas, one of the things I constantly hear about is how the flood of new regulations from Washington bureaucrats is stifling economic growth, energy prod...
10/21/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: Protecting Energy Production Innovation and Jobs
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Protecting Energy Production Innovation and Jobs For over a century, the energy industry has been a tremendous source of jobs, and a major driver of economic growth in Texas. It has retained its place in the Texas ...
10/14/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: Where are the Jobs?
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Where are the Jobs? Nearly four years ago, the Obama Administration promised us that their economic policies would keep unemployment under 8%. Last week’s September jobs report showed that it’s taken them 44 months...
10/07/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: Unleashing America’s Energy Potential Will Lead to Strong Job Creation
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Unleashing America’s Energy Potential Will Lead to Strong Job Creation For too long, America has failed to take advantage of the energy resources we have within our borders and we are losing tremendous opportunitie...
09/30/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: A Fundamental Responsibility
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column A Fundamental Responsibility Adopting a budget - whether it is for a family, a business, or a government - is one of the most fundamental and vital of responsibilities. A budget is more than just numbers on a page....
09/23/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: Working to Save and Strengthen Medicare
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Working to Save and Strengthen Medicare Medicare is a critical program that millions of American seniors rely on, but it’s headed towards bankruptcy. According to the latest report from the Medicare trustees, Medic...
09/16/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: Supporting Those Who Have Served
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Supporting Those Who Have Served Eleven years ago this week, on September 11th, 2001, America was attacked by a ruthless and determined enemy. As terrible as that day was, we all took pride in the courage shown by ...
09/09/2012 Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column: In Defense of Traditional Values
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column In Defense of Traditional Values As a devout Catholic and father of three children, I have a great appreciation for the role that traditional values of faith and family play in our lives and communities. As the rep...
09/02/2012 Congressman Canseco's Weekly Column: Finding Another Way to Reform Health Care
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Finding Another Way to Reform Health Care As I’ve traveled around the 23rd District of Texas, one of the top issues I have heard about over and over is Obamacare. Whether it’s families concerned that Obamacare will...
08/26/2012 Congressman Canseco's Weekly Column: Raising Taxes is not the Answer
Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column Raising Taxes is not the Answer The United States is experiencing the worst unemployment crisis since the Great Depression. Almost 13 million Americans remain unemployed, and the unemployment rate has been above 8%...
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