

The 60 Plus Association honors Congressman Lamborn with two prestigious awards


Washington, Jul 8, 2008 -

The 60 Plus Association, a nonpartisan organization that advocates for seniors, today recognized Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) for supporting senior citizens’ rights and consistently voting to repeal the death tax.

Congressman Lamborn released this statement after receiving the following two awards:

Benjamin Franklin Award
Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award

“The rights of senior citizens should be safeguarded. I also believe we need to protect seniors from the onerous burden of the death tax. I support the full and permanent repeal of the death tax, which is why I am a co-sponsor of H.R. 2380, the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2007. I am proud that the 60 Plus Association has recognized my legislative efforts to repealing this burdensome tax.”—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

The “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award” is given to Members of Congress who support legislation that provides for seniors, while promoting a free market and limited government outlook.

“Senior citizens know they can always count on Rep. Doug Lamborn. So it is with a great deal of pride that 60 Plus honors Rep. Lamborn with the Association’s Guarding of Seniors’ Rights Award. Rep. Doug Lamborn is always in the corner of the nation’s elderly. He is mindful that most of them struggle on fixed incomes, their monthly Social Security check often their only source of funds to pay the ever-increasing cost of living. Rep. Lamborn is truly a cherished friend of our growing senior citizen population. That’s why it’s my privilege to publicly thank him for his pro-senior outlook. Seniors are blessed to have Doug Lamborn working on their behalf.”—Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association

The "Benjamin Franklin Award" is given to Members of Congress who have voted to repeal the so-called death tax. The award is named for the founding father credited with the quote, “there are two certainties in life, death and taxes.”

“Rep. Doug Lamborn voted to repeal this onerous levy in the most recent House vote, a motion to recommit in October, 2007 and we thank him for his support. It is with a great deal of pride that 60 Plus honors Rep. Lamborn with the Benjamin Franklin Award. If Rep. Lamborn has his way, we will get rid of that third certainty—taxes after death—and make Mr. Franklin’s famous quote accurate once again. Senior citizens know they can depend on Rep. Doug Lamborn to abolish this anti-farmer, anti-senior, anti-small business, job-robbing confiscatory tax.”—Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association

The 60 Plus Association is a nonpartisan organization that works to repeal the death tax, save Social Security, make prescription drugs more affordable and lower energy costs. The group promotes smaller government and lower taxes.