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Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann
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  1. On Veterans Day, we pause to remember the brave American heroes who sacrificed so much to preserve our great nation. Though we celebrate Veterans Day once a year, we reap the benefits of freedom every day. America's courageous sons and daughters deserve to be honored for their tremendous sacrifices. Thank you for your service.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Michele BachmannSee All
    •  http://www.petition2congress.com/5953/congressional-reform-act-2012/
      2 hours ago
    • Jack Snively
      voter fraud call it out obama did not win the election it was stolen
      2 hours ago
    • Bob Fritch
      Congresswoman Bachmann, keep up the good fight and please continue to fight for the nation of Israel in Congress!
      4 hours ago
    • YOU should have run against Obama Michele. The only thing better than watching Romney lose like that would have been to see you fail much, much worse.
      1 · 10 hours ago
    • Jack Levitt
       Are we suppose to ignore this?
      1 · 14 hours ago
  3. The decision to foster or adopt children is emotional and often very difficult. But welcoming them into your home can bring such joy to families. Adopt Us Kids offers the video below with parents describing their initial fears and why they’re delighted to be foster or adoptive parents.
  4. Thank you again for all the wonderful stories. I received this one in a message and wanted to share it with you:

    “My youngest daughter became pregnant at the end of her junior year in high school. She was a straight A student and a state champion classical pianist. She was also a real rebel who felt she could get out of all consequences. Thank goodness she didn't rebel against our pro-life teach...
    ings, and was wise enough to chose adoption. Her older sister and her husband, both former missionaries, were unable to have children after the birth of their first son and so they joyfully adopted the baby. Our beautiful granddaughter is now almost 9 months old and her adoption will be finalized in December. By choosing life, both of my girls were blessed with exactly what the Lord knew they needed; one with a painful but ultimately profitable lesson about choices and consequences, and the other with a baby who is the light of her life but never thought she would have. Life is such a beautiful choice!”
    See More
  5. Over the past four years, food stamp growth is 75 times greater than job creation. Americans are understandably frustrated. The looming ‘fiscal cliff’ isn't helping the job climate. We need to make sure that we stop the tax hike on all Americans—including the job creators.
  6. Are you adopted? Have you adopted a child? November is National Adoption Month and I would love to hear your stories.
  7. The unemployment rate is higher today than it was when President Obama took office four years ago. 7.9% is unacceptable. We can’t continue the same trend of big spending, higher taxation and more job-killing regulations if we want to see these numbers improve.
  8. November is National Adoption Month. I hope you will join me this month and help raise awareness of this important issue, because every child deserves to grow up in a safe and loving home. Click below to learn how you can be an advocate for our nation’s youth.
  9. CoAxia Inc., an innovative new med-tech company, has nearly run out of startup cash while cutting its way through bureaucratic red tape. Just when they were finally able to meet with a panel, Hurricane Sandy forced the FDA to delay for up t...
    o 90 days. If we want to see more innovation in health care, the answer is not to increase the size of government control—it’s often as simple as just getting out of the way and not making this long of a wait necessary in the first place.
    See More
  10. Obamacare’s medical device tax, set to kick in next year, will be a major setback in healthcare. The 2.3% excise tax taxes revenue, not profit, meaning start-ups who are loss-making companies will still have to pay. This will cost us both jobs and new production of innovative, life-saving devices.
  11. Interesting account from a St. Cloud native who was in Philadelphia when Hurricane Sandy hit the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast. I’m so grateful she is safe and my thoughts and prayers continue to be with those affected by the storm.
  12. The Treasury announced today that the U.S. debt limit will be reached by the end of this year. The debt ceiling was lifted so Congress would have more time to get the fiscal house in order. Both the House and the Senate continue to procrast...
    inate on dealing with the debt, and now it’s over $16 trillion. I voted against raising the debt ceiling, and will continue to oppose such measures. We need to take this seriously now, not later.
    See More
  13. Today it was my privilege to present a flag to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota that was flown in their honor at the United States Capitol. This organization participated in Operation Mentoring, reaching out to children of members of the National Guard, reservists and our military. Thank you for all you do for the community!
    Photo: Today it was my privilege to present a flag to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota that was flown in their honor at the United States Capitol. This organization participated in Operation Mentoring, reaching out to children of members of the National Guard, reservists and our military. Thank you for all you do for the community!
  14. It is Minnesota Manufacturers Week. Travis and Brian Mick of Custom Welding and Metal Fab. Inc are owners of just one of the many 6th District manufacturers we're honoring this week. Check out those impressive designs!
    Photo: It is Minnesota Manufacturers Week. Travis and Brian Mick of Custom Welding and Metal Fab. Inc are owners of just one of the many 6th District manufacturers we're honoring this week. Check out those impressive designs!
  15. A month after announcing a third round of quantitative easing, the Federal Reserve released a statement saying they were going to maintain their current activity of buying mortgage backed securities and printing money indefinitely. The first two rounds failed, and the third already has done little to improve the economy. The Fed needs to rethink this decision before inflation becomes a real concern.
  16. The burdens, expenses and incompetency surrounding the state exchanges are merely a glimpse into how big a disaster Obamacare is. We must replace Obamacare with a system that allows portability, allows individuals to purchase healthcare across state lines, allows individuals to purchase the plan of their choice, and includes tort reform.
  17. The recent growth in U.S. oil output, particularly in North Dakota, has us set to overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest producer. This is only a taste of how competitive the United States could be in the global market if we remove the barriers to domestic energy production.
  18. If you want to get a glimpse into how dangerous Obamacare is for America, look to Ontario. Canada’s attempt to close a $15 billion deficit has physicians “fighting with the government -- and their own medical association -- over payouts, fees, hours, and what exactly constitutes a proper and appropriate salary for physicians and specialists.” That’s not what we want for America and why we must repeal Obamacare.
  19. Earlier this year, the national debt passed $16 trillion for the first time in American history. According to the latest data released by the Census Bureau, each household owes approximately $47,495 in foreign debt. These are the consequences of our current borrow and spend policies. Americans deserve better.
  20. When the Democratic-controlled Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act, Americans were promised it would end the era of bailouts and “too big to fail.” They were wrong. The Financial Services Committee just released a report on the negative impact these 2,300 pages of regulations have on our nation’s economy.
  21. A growing number of business leaders have asked for a more urgent focus on the upcoming “fiscal cliff” set to hit this January. I agree that failure to act will have dire consequences. I remain opposed to tax hikes and want to see a serious discussion regarding spending reductions.

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