

Lungren Applauds Company For Clean Energy Production

Congressman Dan Lungren recognized Clean Energy Systems (CES) of Rancho Cordova, developer of zero emissions power plant technology, for being chosen to supply carbon dioxide to a large scale carbon capture and store project under the leadership of the West Coast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (WESTCARB). Recently the Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $65.6 Million to support the California Energy Commission's WESTCARB research project.

The project, in Bakersfield (Kern County) CA, will inject 1 million tons of compressed carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into subterranean storage formations 7,000 feet beneath a 50-megawatt  CES zero-emission power plant.  The CES plant can use any of several clean gaseous fuels in a pollution-free oxy-fuel system producing a relatively pure carbon dioxide stream.  The proposed test would inject the entire exhaust stream of the CES plant over a period of four years, beginning in 2011, avoiding one million tons of greenhouse gas emissions to California's atmosphere.

"California is making positive strides in pursuing energy efficiency. The Sacramento region is fortunate to have a company like Clean Energy Systems leading the way in developing environmentally clean technologies," Lungren said.  "We need more companies like CES who can take existing technology and develop new innovative processes to create more energy while minimizing harmful environmental effects."

CES specializes in the development of zero emissions commercial power plants utilizing an oxy-fuel combustion process. The power plants use jet engine technology to produce power that results in zero atmospheric emissions. The company owns an extensive portfolio of patents and a Bakersfield, CA power plant, used to further develop the oxy fuel technology

WESTCARB comprises more than 70 organizations, including state and provincial resource management and environmental protection agencies, national laboratories and research institutions, colleges and universities, conservation non-profits, oil and gas companies, power companies, pipeline companies, trade associations, vendors and service firms and consultants.

To date, DOE has awarded $81.2 million in funding for WESTCARB research.