

Congressman Lungren Honors Memory of Martin Luther King

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), one of the key supporters in the passage of the bill establishing the Martin Luther King national holiday, today released the following statement:

"This coming Monday, January 21, our nation looks back to reflect upon the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King. He peacefully sought change for civil rights and upheld the ideals set forth in our nation's heritage of life and liberty."

"As we reflect upon Dr. King's life it is important to remember his message of equality and freedom for all. Guided by the principle that "all men are created equal" Dr. King worked to bring people together.

"Dr. King has always inspired in me the feeling that we have to walk together if we are going to work out the problems of this country. Democrat, Republican or Independent our common goal should be to work together despite our differences to address the tough issues facing our country.

"This weekend of remembrance for Dr. Martin Luther King, we honor the memory of a civil rights leader, humanitarian and an American icon, -- who gave everything he had to better his fellow man."