President Obama Making C-SPAN Promise 8 Separate Times

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Uploaded by on Jan 6, 2010

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  • You're right, socialism can work, but only in a very very ideal place. The whole population in an ideal socialist society would have to strive to work hard even though they all earn the same income. It's human nature to want more, and therefore work harder. That's why free enterprise works.

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  • I'm sorry but when someone plays the Race card, it shows the desperation that only comes when one knows that their position is wrong.

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  • I'm sorry, but you're just a downright idiot. If you're poor in America, it's your own fault. Stop being lazy and work! Get an education too, while you're at it! If you are unhappy with the way wealth is distributed throughout the nation and how the government wastes all our money, then STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATIC IDIOTS LIKE THIS OBAMANATION! (abomination)

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  • Ever heard of honest Abe?

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  • Reminds you of a certain German with the initials A.H., doesn't it?

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  • He's a damn good liar, isn't he?

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  • THIS WILL ALL BE DONE ON CSPAN SO THE PUBLIC CAN BE INVOLVED? Ok were wondering how we were involved,page 1-1200 we were not involved,ramming it through the lapdog Congress and Senate DID NOT INVOLVE US EITHER.

    The only way to involve the American People in the process is term limits and yearly performance evaluations of our representatives,if they fail,they are fired period!

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  • really awesome video..thanks for sharing

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  • Pelosi: Pass Health Reform So You Can Find Out What’s In It

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