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President Obama Job Approval

Polling Data

PollDateSampleApprove Disapprove Spread
RCP Average12/5 - 12/30--53.442.0 +11.4
Gallup12/28 - 12/301500 A5341 +12
Rasmussen Reports12/28 - 12/301500 LV5741 +16
CNN/Opinion Research12/17 - 12/18RV5045 +5
ABC News/Wash Post12/13 - 12/16RV5542 +13
CBS News12/12 - 12/161179 A5737 +20
FOX News12/9 - 12/111012 RV4846 +2
Bloomberg12/7 - 12/101000 A5344 +9
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl12/6 - 12/91000 A5343 +10
Pew Research12/5 - 12/91503 A5539 +16

All President Obama Job Approval Polling Data

RCP Poll Average
President Obama Job Approval
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Polling Data

PollDateSampleApprove Disapprove Spread
RCP Average12/5 - 12/30--53.442.0 +11.4
Gallup12/28 - 12/301500 A5341 +12
Rasmussen Reports12/28 - 12/301500 LV5741 +16
CNN/Opinion Research12/17 - 12/18RV5045 +5
ABC News/Wash Post12/13 - 12/16RV5542 +13
CBS News12/12 - 12/161179 A5737 +20
FOX News12/9 - 12/111012 RV4846 +2
Bloomberg12/7 - 12/101000 A5344 +9
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl12/6 - 12/91000 A5343 +10
Pew Research12/5 - 12/91503 A5539 +16
McClatchy/Marist12/4 - 12/61091 RV5044 +6
Politico/GWU/Battleground12/2 - 12/61000 LV5047 +3
Associated Press/GfK11/29 - 12/31002 A5741 +16
Quinnipiac11/28 - 12/31949 RV5340 +13
National Journal11/25 - 12/11000 A5442 +12
CNN/Opinion Research11/16 - 11/18RV5245 +7
Politico/GWU/Battleground11/4 - 11/51000 LV4949Tie
CNN/Opinion Research11/2 - 11/4918 RV5147 +4
ABC News/Wash Post11/1 - 11/42345 LV5148 +3
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl11/1 - 11/31475 LV4949Tie
Politico/GWU/Battleground10/29 - 11/11000 LV4949Tie
FOX News10/28 - 10/301128 LV5047 +3
CBS News/NY Times10/25 - 10/28898 A5042 +8
NPR10/23 - 10/251000 LV4949Tie
Politico/GWU/Battleground10/22 - 10/251000 LV5049 +1
Associated Press/GfK10/19 - 10/23839 LV4949Tie
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl10/17 - 10/201000 RV4948 +1
CBS News10/17 - 10/201383 A4942 +7
Politico/GWU/Battleground10/15 - 10/181000 LV4948 +1
ABC News/Wash Post10/10 - 10/13923 LV5048 +2
Politico/GWU/Battleground10/7 - 10/111000 LV5048 +2
FOX News10/7 - 10/91109 LV4948 +1
Politico/GWU/Battleground10/1 - 10/41000 LV5048 +2
CNN/Opinion Research9/28 - 9/30883 RV5049 +1
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl9/26 - 9/301000 RV4948 +1
NPR9/26 - 9/30800 LV5046 +4
Quinnipiac9/25 - 9/301912 LV4849 -1
ABC News/Wash Post9/26 - 9/29929 RV4949Tie
Politico/GWU/Battleground9/24 - 9/271000 LV4949Tie
FOX News9/24 - 9/261092 LV4948 +1
Bloomberg9/21 - 9/241007 A4946 +3
Politico/GWU/Battleground9/16 - 9/201000 LV5048 +2
National Journal9/15 - 9/191250 A4945 +4
Associated Press/GfK9/13 - 9/17807 LV5247 +5
Reason-Rupe/PSRAI9/13 - 9/17787 LV5146 +5
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl9/12 - 9/16900 RV5048 +2
FOX News9/9 - 9/111056 LV5047 +3
CBS News/NY Times9/8 - 9/121162 LV4946 +3
Democracy Corps (D)9/8 - 9/121000 LV4948 +1
Reuters/Ipsos9/7 - 9/101089 A5046 +4
ABC News/Wash Post9/7 - 9/9826 RV4850 -2
CNN/Opinion Research9/7 - 9/9875 RV5146 +5
CNN/Opinion Research8/31 - 9/3877 RV5046 +4
Democracy Corps (D)8/23 - 8/271000 LV4750 -3
ABC News/Wash Post8/22 - 8/25857 RV4750 -3
CNN/Opinion Research8/22 - 8/23924 RV5047 +3
FOX News8/19 - 8/211219 RV4648 -2
Resurgent Republic (R)8/16 - 8/221000 LV4949Tie
Associated Press/GfK8/16 - 8/201006 A4949Tie
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl8/16 - 8/201000 RV4849 -1
LA Times/USC8/13 - 8/19954 LV4847 +1
CNN/Opinion Research8/7 - 8/8911 RV4948 +1
Politico/GWU/Battleground8/5 - 8/91000 LV4950 -1
FOX News8/5 - 8/7930 RV4946 +3
Reuters/Ipsos8/2 - 8/61168 A4948 +1
Democracy Corps (D)7/21 - 7/25700 LV5046 +4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl7/18 - 7/221000 RV4948 +1
FOX News7/15 - 7/17901 RV4749 -2
CBS News/NY Times7/11 - 7/161089 A4446 -2
NPR7/9 - 7/121000 LV4946 +3
McClatchy/Marist7/9 - 7/11849 RV4747Tie
Reuters/Ipsos7/5 - 7/91154 A4847 +1
ABC News/Wash Post7/5 - 7/81003 A4749 -2
Quinnipiac7/1 - 7/82722 RV4549 -4
Pew Research6/28 - 7/92973 A5043 +7
CNN/Opinion Research6/28 - 7/11390 RV5049 +1

All Commentary & News Stories

- The Obama Tax Hikes Have Just Begun - James Pethokoukis, Ideas

- Obama and the "Moral High Ground" - Seth Mandel, Contentions

- Failure of Presidential Leadership - Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

- Obama's Remarks on the Passage of the Fiscal Cliff Deal - Barack Obama

- Obama's Speech on the Fiscal Cliff Negotiations - Barack Obama

- Obama's Crisis Demagoguery - Jonathan Tobin, Commentary

- Obama's Possibly Not Terrible Deal - Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine

- Obama's Lincoln Demurral Has a Hollow Ring - Carl M. Cannon, RCP

- Obama's Tax Hikes Won't Be Nearly Big Enough - John Judis, New Republic

- When Will Obama Step Up & Make Deal? - Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

- The Five Worst Things Obama Did in 2012 - Tim Stanley, The Telegraph

- Interview with President Barack Obama - Meet the Press

- Obama Gives Republicans an Ultimatum - Greg Sargent, Washington Post

- Cliff Diving Holds Perils for Obama's 2nd Term - Caren Bohan, Natl Jrnl

- Investors Reject Obama's Mortgage Bailout - Kevin Glass, Townhall

- Obama's Zero-Sum Universe - P.J. O'Rourke, Wall Street Journal

- Obama Ties Likely Boosted Schatz - Scott Conroy, RealClearPolitics

- The President Should Sidestep Congress - Steinzor & Sinden, Baltimore Sun

- Obama's Relations With Congress Not Likely to Improve - J.T. Young, WT

- Obama's Gift to al-Qaeda - Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian

- 2012: The Year Dreams Died - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

- The President's Obsession With Raising Taxes - Charles Gasparino, NY Post

- Obama's Legacy: $20 Trillion in Deficits - Paul Roderick Gregory, Forbes

- Obama's Hidden-Tax Heist - Richard Rahn, Washington Times

- Obama Needs to Explain Drone Strikes - Shamsi & Warren, Newsday

- Obama's Gesture is Just for Show - Jonathan Tobin, Contentions

- Obama's Home Refi Plan Isn't Going Anywhere - James Pethokoukis, Ideas

- The Anecdotal Presidency - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

- Americans Were Duped by Obama - Investor's Business Daily

- Guests: Senators Amy Klobuchar & Johnny Isakson - This Week

- Obama's Regulatory Cliff Is the Big Problem - Investor's Business Daily

- Obama Nominates John Kerry For Secretary of State - Barack Obama

- Obama Will Get His Way, Taxes Are Going Up - Sen. Rand Paul, FOX News

- Obama Uses Clinton Playbook to Exploit Massacre - Byron York, Examiner

- Cliff Diving: Obama's Failure to Negotiate Seriously - Wall Street Journal

- Obama's Remarks at the White House Press Conference - Barack Obama

- Guests: Representatives Jerrold Nadler & Steve Israel - The Ed Show

- Obama's Fiscal Cliff Win - Emily Miller, Washington Times

- Obama's Promise on Taxes is Lie of the Year - Jon Walker, Firedoglake

- President Obama Offers a Budget Deal - New York Times

- Person of the Year: Barack Obama, Architect of a New America - Time

- Obama's Blue Social Model Is a Failure - Noemie Emery, Wash Examiner

- Obama Faces Critical Choice After Shooting - Peter Baker, New York Times

- Is D.C. Taking Us "Forward" Into the Failed Past? - Thomas Sowell, IBD

- Obama: "These Tragedies Must End" - Landler & Baker, New York Times

- What Obama Must Do About Guns - David Remnick, The New Yorker

- Obama's Trickle-Down Economics - Conn Carroll, Washington Examiner

- Obama: "These Tragedies Must End" - Lindsey Boerma, CBS News

- Interview with Representative Chris Van Hollen - Hardball

- Will Obama Deal on Spending? - Morton Kondracke, Roll Call

- Why Obama Might Be Willing to Go Over Cliff - Michael Barone, Examiner

- Why Does Obama Want to Spend $8 Trillion on Defense? - David Callahan, TAPPED

- Obama's Trump Card on the Debt Limit - Matt Miller, Washington Post

- Obama Plays Hardball on Medicaid - Paul Waldman, TAPPED

- Obama's Fiscal Cliff Speech at Daimler Detroit Diesel - Barack Obama

- Obama's Permacampaign to Change D.C. - Julian Hattem, The Atlantic

- Elections Matter: Obama Will Get What He Wants - Irwin Stelzer, The Blog

- Small Business in Obama's Cross Hairs - Ralph Reiland, Pittsburgh TR

- Obama's Historic Budget Opportunity - Robert Zoellick, Wall Street Journal

- Spender in Chief - Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard

- Obama Has Nothing On Will & Kate - Mark Steyn, Orange County Register

- The Imperial Presidency - Boston Herald

- A New, Bolder Obama Stands Firm on Taxes - Chicago Sun-Times

- President Obama's Energy Dilemma - Joel Kotkin, New Geography

- President Risks All for Paltry 'Victory' - Kim Strassel, Wall Street Journal

- Obama's Zero-Sum Politics - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post

- Business Leaders Siding With Obama on Debt Ceiling? - Greg Sargent, PL

- A Manufactured Crisis to Grow Government - George Will, Washington Post

- President Obama's Ruinous Course - Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal

- Obama Shouldn't Negotiate Over the Debt Ceiling - Noam Scheiber, TNR

- WH's Refusal to Deal Paving Way for Deal - Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine

- Realities of Life in the Age of Obama - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News

- Obama: Budget Deal Will Unleash the Economy - Alexis Simendinger, RCP

- Will Obama Ever Get Serious About Spending Cuts? - Chicago Tribune

- Obama Proves Who the Real Scrooge Is - Amity Shlaes, Bloomberg

- President Obama Needs to Channel FDR - David Woolner, Salon

- Obama Has No Intention of Cutting Spending - Ford O'Connell, TJS

- Why Obama's Tax Hike Will Hurt the 98% - Charles Kadlec, Forbes

- Obama Isn't Negotiating with Republicans on the Cliff - Peter Roff, TJS

- Understanding Obama's Fiscal Cliff Offer - KeithHennessey.com

- Obama Pushes GOP, Brings End to Giving In - Peter Baker, New York Times

- The NY Times Rewrites Obama's History - Conn Carroll, DC Examiner

- Obama Finally Holds Firm for Tax Hikes - Robert Kuttner, Huffington Post

- Time to Call the President's Bluff - Keith Hennessey, Wall Street Journal

- Obama Should Hang Tough on Budget - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post

- Will Obama Years Be Our "Lost Decade"? - Thomas McClanahan, KC Star

- Obama's Speech on Threat Reduction - Barack Obama

- President Obama's "Grand Joke" - Boston Herald

- Obama's Missed Opportunities - Conn Carroll, Washington Examiner

- Americans' Expectations for Obama 2.0 Plunge - Andrew Malcolm, IBD

- Defining the Obama Presidency - David Shribman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

- Emboldened Obama Even More Reckless - Michael Goodwin, New York Post

- Obama, Democrats Are Over-Playing Their Hands - David Gergen, CNN

- Nothing Like Being Re-elected - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast

- Obama's Ambitious, Progressive Budget Plan - Steve Benen, MSNBC

- Tougher Obama Stands His Ground - Robert Kuttner, TAPPED

- A New, Tougher Obama? - Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect

- The Drawn-Out Crisis: It's the Obama Way - Peggy Noonan, Wall St. Jrnl

- Shields and Brooks on the Fiscal Cliff Fight - The NewsHour

- Obama to GOP: I'm Done Negotiating With Myself - Ezra Klein, Wash Post

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