Press Releases

Sep 4, 2012

Media Advisory: Congressman Gosar to Host Public Hearing in St. Johns on EPA’s Proposed Regulations

Issues: Energy

U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) will be hosting a public hearing on the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed regulations on the Coronado Generating Station on Friday, September 7th in St. Johns.

Aug 31, 2012

Media Advisory: Congressman Gosar to Host Entrepreneurship Panel Discussion and Roundtable in Prescott

U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) will be hosting an “Entrepreneurship Panel Discussion and Roundtable” and networking opportunity for local self-starters, small business owners and the public on Friday, September 7th at the Prescott Resort and Conference Center in Prescott.

Aug 16, 2012

Representative Gosar Backs Arizona Decision to Fight Obama's Unconstitutional Amnesty Order

Casa Grande, AZ – Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) released the following statement regarding Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s executive order to deny benefits to illegal immigrants under President Obama’s deferred action policy.

Aug 16, 2012

Representative Gosar Recognized for Fighting to Protect Seniors

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

Today, the senior-advocacy organization Retiresafe awarded U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar the prestigious “RetireSafe Standing Up For America’s Seniors Award”. This award is given to a member of Congress who has served as a leader for seniors in preserving Medicare, protecting senior benefits and defending the patient/doctor relationship. Congressman Gosar is being honored with this award for the second year in a row.

Aug 14, 2012

Representative Gosar Honors Navajo Code Talkers

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) released the following statement to honor the 30th Anniversary of the National Navajo Code Talkers Day.

Aug 13, 2012

Representative Gosar: Civil Suit Will Break Through Fast and Furious Stonewalling

Today U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ), a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, released the following statement after Chairman Darrell Issa filed a civil action in federal court against U.S. Attorney General Holder for failing to provide subpoenaed documents in the Operation Fast and Furious investigation. The administration invoked executive privilege over these critical documents, and therefore has forced Congress to try to seek redress through federal court.

Aug 7, 2012

Rep. Gosar Hosts “Stop the Tax Hike” Roundtable as Local Casa Grande Leaders Share Their Concerns about Tax Burdens

Issues: Tax Reform

On Monday, August 6th, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) hosted a “Stop the Tax Hike Roundtable” in Casa Grande to hear from local business owners, managers and the public on how current tax policy and future tax increases are hindering employment opportunities, limiting long-term budget planning and dragging the economy down.

Aug 7, 2012

Public Invited: Congressman Gosar to Host “Stop The Tax Hike Roundtable” in Payson

Issues: Role of Government, Transparency, and Civility, Tax Reform

U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) announced that he will be hosting a “Stop the Tax Hike Roundtable” in Payson on Wednesday, August 8th. The roundtable is an opportunity for local business owners to discuss how current tax policy and future tax rate increases impact their ability to hire new employees, expand the business and ultimately, thrive.

Aug 6, 2012

Representative Gosar Introduces “YouCut” Legislation to Remove Wasteful Federal Spending Program

Late last week, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) introduced H.R. 6321, legislation that would repeal the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Act. This legislation would save the federal government $4.5 million over ten years.

Aug 2, 2012

Rep. Gosar Fights for Comprehensive Tax Reform

Issues: Tax Reform

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) voted in favor of the Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act (H.R. 6169), legislation to streamline the path for comprehensive tax reform in the 113th Congress.
