Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich

  • Kucinich Backs Investigation of Slaughter of Endangered Elephants in Africa
    Sep 10, 2012  - Washington D.C. (September 10, 2012) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) wrote to the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda requesting cooperation with an investigation into the slaughter of twenty-two elephants in the Garamba National Park. It is unclear who committed the slaughter, which occurred ... More
  • America Deserves a Raise
    Aug 31, 2012  - This Labor Day, President Obama has the opportunity to defend the economic rights of millions of Americans by supporting a substantial increase in the minimum wage. Presently $7.25 per hour, the federal minimum wage is inadequate. The purchasing power of a worker earning minimum wage in 1968 is equa... More
  • Kucinich to PUCO: Customers Should Not Pay for First Energy’s Incompetence
    Aug 17, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a dogged defender of consumer rights, today sent the following letter to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio: August 17, 2012 Mr. Todd A. Snitchler Chairman Public Utilities Commission of Ohio 180 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215-3718 Dear Chairman Snitc... More
  • Syria and Lessons Learned
    Aug 3, 2012  - We don’t know who they are, but we know that we are for them. And it is possible that we are helping people that we have claimed to be against. As we strongly condemn violence wrought in support of the Assad government, recent allegations of war crimes committed in the name of rebellion should give... More
  • If you lived down wind from this power plant, would you be concerned?
    Jul 17, 2012  - If an airline pilot failed an annual exam, and the Federal Aviation Administration simply lowered its standards to allow that pilot to continue to fly, would you board the flight? If a surgeon failed a licensing exam, and the medical board simply lowered its standards and allowed the surgeon to con... More
  • State Error Denies Thousands of Qualified Seniors Medicare Premium Assistance and Medicaid Prescription Drug Benefits
    Aug 17, 2011  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is today seeking urgent federal assistance to provide needed services to seniors after a state error has resulted in as many as 15,000 qualified seniors and disabled individuals being denied continued Medicare Part B premium and copayment assistance, as well as an ... More
  • Congressional Briefing 2011-- Professor Kaoru Yamaguchi, Ph.D.
    Aug 15, 2011  - Congressional Briefing 2011, July 26, 2011 Office of Congressman Dennis Kucinich Professor Kaoru Yamaguchi, Ph.D. Doshisha Business School Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan This briefing, held in the Cannon House Office Building, presented the findings of fundamental economic research undertaken by ... More
  • Saying No to Permanent Global War
    May 19, 2011  - The House is expected to vote soon on a bill that hands over to the President Congress’ constitutional authority to declare and authorize war, substantially altering the delicate balance of powers that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The annual reauthorization of the Department of Defense contains ... More
  • “The Pressures of Rising Costs on Employer Provided Health Care”
    Mar 10, 2011  - U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich Education & the Workforce HELP Subcommittee “The Pressures of Rising Costs on Employer Provided Health Care” March 10, 2011 Good Morning. I want to thank Chairman Roe for calling this hearing. I would also like to thank our distinguished panel of witnesses. It’s ... More
  • Statement Upon the Introduction of War Powers Resolution on Afghanistan
    Mar 9, 2011  - Statement of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich Introduction of War Powers Resolution on Afghanistan Press Conference March 9, 2011 Last week, nine Afghan children between the ages of nine and fifteen were killed by a NATO strike after being mistaken for insurgents. General Petraeus issued an apology an... More