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Following Repeal, Murphy Encourages ‘Real Healthcare Reform'

Washington, D.C. — Republican Doctors Caucus co-chair Rep. Tim Murphy, Ph.D. (PA-18) today released the following statement applauding the House passage of H.R. 6079, the repeal of Obamacare Act.

“It’s clear that we have massive problems with our healthcare system,” said Congressman Tim Murphy. “We need to focus on delivering real reform so that every American has access to the care they need, from a doctor they choose, at a price they can afford, without a government takeover.  Just as we did in Pennsylvania when I authored the Patient Bill of Rights, I call on my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to work together on fixing, instead of just financing, our broken healthcare system. We can start by allowing you to take the plan you need across jobs, ensure you can't be cut for being sick, promote chronic disease management to keep seniors healthy and out of hospitals, and allow families to join groups and purchase insurance across state lines. I look forward to working with all my colleagues in the coming months to enact common sense, state-based reforms that will put healthcare decisions back where they belong: in the hands of doctors and their patients.”