Older Cities Task Force

America’s older, industrial cities that once bustled with manufacturing, business and jobs and built this nation, are now struggling with the changing economy.  In order to better examine the many issues that affect these older cities and advocate on their behalf, Brian has taken the lead as the Democratic Chair of the newly formed, bi-partisan Congressional “Revitalizing Older Cities Task Force”. 

Developing Solutions

One of the first issues the task force addressed was a discussion of vacant properties and historic structures.  Last year Brian introduced the “Neighborhood Reclamation and Revitalization Act”, a bill which would provide funds to older cities to deal with the often devastating impact of rampant vacant properties.

In August 2008, Brian hosted a forum in Buffalo bringing testimony from a variety of expert panelists on three topics pertinent to creating a thriving 21st century community: Housing and redevelopment of vacant properties, water infrastructure, and economic development.
In the future, the Task Force will take a critical assessment of how and whether current federal initiatives are meeting the challenges faced by older industrial cities and regions like Western New York.  In addition to Brian’s legislation, members of the task force have already introduced legislation to create tax credits to cleanup and redevelop Brownfield sites and expand the current historic rehabilitation tax credit to make it applicable to affordable housing.
Other issues anticipated to be addressed by the task force include: decaying urban infrastructure, the need for urban economic development, the energy/environmental benefits of urban in-fill versus sprawl and the lack of availability of healthy foods in urban cores.

History of the Revitalizing Older Cities Congressional Task Force

Members of Congress sharing an interest in restoring prosperity to America's great historic industrial cities have created the Revitalizing Older Cities (ROC) Congressional Task Force to exchange legislative ideas and create effective policy that will lead to the rejuvenation of communities most impacted by population loss, lack of traditional employment opportunities, and overall economic disinvestment. In the fall of 2007, the Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition formed the task force, co-chaired by Representatives Brian Higgins (D-NY) and Mike Turner (R-OH). The ROC Congressional Task Force recognizes that the challenges facing many older industrial cities and towns are not unique to each community and that federal policy can and does impact their economic success.[Source: Revitalizing Older Cities Congressional Task Force]