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The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal

It has been over 1000 days since Senate Democrats have produced a budget.  In that time, President Obama has added over 5 trillion dollars to the national debt.  The president’s budget calls for even more spending and more debt.

The approach the president and Democrats in Congress have taken is grossly irresponsible.  Their refusal to seriously address the problems we face is inexcusable and has real consequences for American families, seniors and future generations. 

House Republicans believe it is morally wrong to ignore the most predictable crisis in U.S. history. We have a choice between two paths and two futures.  One path leads to additional debt and continued decline.  The other path is to a stronger, more prosperous future with less debt, lower taxes and greater opportunity for generations to come.

In this video, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan talks about the need for a plan of action to cut spending and put our country back on a path to prosperity:


Click here to read the House Republican Budget, "The Path to Prosperity:  A Blueprint for American Renewal."

The report on the House Republican Budget, "The Path to Prosperity," includes summary tables making comparisons to the president’s budget as re-estimated by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).  Click here for links to that information.

To learn more about the House Republican Budget, visit http://budget.house.gov/.


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