Conference Preview: JCDL 2012

Just a few short weeks left to join in on the 12th annual ACM/IEEE-Computer Society Joint Conference on Digital Libraries which starts on June 10th.  This year’s conference takes place in Washington, D.C., and is hosted by The George Washington University, with assistance from The Library of Congress/NDIIPP.  We hope to see many of our colleagues from near and far, to take advantage of the great networking and learning opportunities, all surrounded by the beautiful sights of Washington!

JCDL is the premiere international conference focused on digital libraries, and associated organizational, practical, social, and technical issues. The event addresses a broad spectrum of topical areas, and is open to all emerging and established educators, industry leaders, researchers, and students working in the field of digital library research and development.

The theme of this year’s conference, which is actually multiple themes combined, is “#preserving #linking #using #sharing”, or P.L.U.S., and ties together the major activities crucial to the success of  digital libraries.  JCDL is a truly international effort -this year, there were over 200 publication submissions, with authors from 32 countries.   The peer review process resulted in the following accepted publications:  25 full papers, 22 short papers, 43 posters, 2 panel sessions and 9 demonstrations, as well as a doctoral consortium.

The conference website includes the full program schedule with paper titles linked to the abstracts, as well as links to registration and local information. The presentation topics cover a wide variety of subject matter, with sessions covering preservation, bibliographic networks, information architecture, metadata, searching, citation, user behaviors and others (see the full program here).

There are four pre-conference tutorials to be given on Sunday, June 10, providing an opportunity for more in-depth focus on specific digital library topics, both basic and advanced.  And on June 13th and 14th, there will be five post-conference workshops intended to draw together communities of interest for project updates and discussion.

In addition to all of the above, there are also three invited keynote speakers, who were chosen from among the most notable people in the digital library field, and all offering presentations that build on the conference theme.  This year’s speakers are:

  • Jason Scott, archivist (see recent blog post about Jason), and creator of  Talk entitled “All You Cared about Is Gone and All Your Friends Are Dead: The Fun Frolic of Preservation Activism”
  • Carole Goble of the University of Manchester, who is the director of the myGrid project, the largest UK e-Science pilot project.  Talk entitled “The Reality of Reproducibility for In Silico”
  • George Dyson, science and technology historian, and author of Turing’s Cathedral. Talk entitledThe Sensible Moment: 1680-2012″

As for creature comforts, the conference organizers have reserved rooms for attendees in four local hotels, all within walking distance to the conference center.

The U.S. Capitol (Photo by S. Manus)

And just a reminder that this conference is in the heart of Washington DC, with the city’s many cultural sights within an easy walk or commute.  Which is not to suggest playing hooky from the conference, of course, but there will be plenty to do should you decide to stay an extra day or two to roam the streets of the capital city.

For the latest news about JCDL, be sure check the website regularly, or follow updates on both facebook and twitter.



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