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Release: $10 Million Authorized for Local Schools

Legislation that passed the U.S. House of Representatives on May 14 authorizes an estimated $10 million for Fairfax County, Prince William County, and the City of Fairfax in Fiscal Year 2010 to upgrade public school buildings, while creating clean energy jobs, reducing dependence on foreign oil and lowering energy costs for taxpayers, Congressman Gerry Connolly said.

Connolly said the legislation would authorize funds to make school buildings more energy efficient and more reliant on renewable sources of energy.  The bill also generates long-term savings for schools by reducing energy expenses. Green schools reduce pollution by using about 30% less water and energy than conventional schools, and emit almost 40% less harmful carbon dioxide.

Connolly estimated that the House-passed bill would authorize the following amounts to school systems in the 11th CD:

• Fairfax County Public Schools - $8,086,000
• Prince William County Public Schools - $2,815,000
• Fairfax City Public Schools - $88,000

Connolly said that schools across the Commonwealth of Virginia would receive an estimated $103.5 million under the provisions of the House-passed legislation. 

Nationally, the bill would provide over $6 billion in funding in FY 2010 to the nation’s schools and the Economic Policy Institute estimates it would create as many as 136,000 new jobs.  Additional funding would be authorized through FY 2015.

 “Our schools should be safe and healthy learning environments for our children. This bill gives us a chance to upgrade our school buildings and further boost student achievement, while creating good green jobs locally,” Connolly said.

The 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act (H.R. 2187) passed the House by a vote of 275-155.  The Senate must still act on the bill.