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Veterans Services

Contact Information

Picture of Laura Stradley


Laura Stradley



Veterans Service Agency

125 Westfall Rd.

Rochester, NY


Phone: 585 753-6040

Fax: 585 753-6602

Need Assistance?

The Veterans Agency provides in depth counseling and follow-up service on all benefits claims for veterans, their dependents and children.

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. For an appointment or more information please call 585 753-6040.

VA Healthcare

The Veterans Administration operates a VA Outpatient Clinic at 465 Westfall Road, 14620. Eligible Veterans can obtain medical and dental benefits, as well as prescription drugs at low or no cost. For general information call 585 463-2600. For eligibility information you can call 1-888-823-9656 or visit the Veterans Administration online.

Separation Papers/DD214s

If you have lost or misplaced your separation papers/DD214 it is possible we may have a copy on file in the office for you. Our offices stores thousands of Monroe County Veterans’ records from WWII to now. If we don’t have it here we can help you obtain a copy from the National Personnel Records Center.

We encourage veterans to have their original separation papers/DD214s be recorded with the Monroe County Clerk’s Office so that a copy may always be obtained. To have your separation it must be submitted through this agency.

Certificates of Eligibility

Certificates of Eligibility or Home Loan Guarantees are also furnished through the Veterans Administration. The local representative is Phil Ditch with an office located in the VA Outpatient Clinic at 465 Westfall Road, 14620. For more information you can call 585 463-2600 or visit the Veterans Administration online.

War Dates

Picture of World War II monument.Picture of the American Flag.

  • Mexican Border: May 9, 1916 through April 5, 1917. (Eligibility requires 90 or more days of service in Mexico, on the border of Mexico, or the waters adjacent thereto.)
  • World War I: April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918. If a veteran served with the United States military forces in Russia, the ending date is April 1, 1920
  • World War II: December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946
  • Korea: June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955
  • Vietnam: August 5, 1964 through May 7, 1975
  • Persian Gulf: August 2, 1990 to date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation

Benefits also are offered to those who received an expeditionary medal for service in:

  • Lebanon: June 1, 1983 through December 1, 1987
  • Grenada: October 23, 1983 through November 21, 1983
  • Panama: December 20, 1989 through January 31, 1990

Military Decorations

Picture of military decorations.

The Monroe County Veterans Service Agency will assist you in obtaining your or your family member’s decorations (medals) from the military service.

Who can request these?

  • Veteran
  • Anyone with veteran’s authorization
  • Next of kin if veteran is deceased
  • Anyone with next of kin’s authorization if veteran is deceased

Who is next of kin?

  • Spouse
  • Children (including adopted)
  • Parent
  • Sibling
  • Grandparent
  • Aunt/Uncle
  • Cousin

How long will you have to wait?

For decorations/medals it can take up to two (2) years.

Customer Service Inquiry Form

We have added an online request form for your convenience. Please fill out this form and submit it to Monroe County Veterans Service Agency. Make sure to be specific about your request. Although we provide many services, there are other agencies/services that we use for referrals.

Go to the Online Veterans Services Request Form.

Property Tax Reduction

Veterans and their surviving spouses may be eligible for reduction on their county and town taxes provided the Veteran in question served during a war-time period. Additional deductions may apply for combat and disabled Veterans. If eligible a copy of your separation papers/DD214 must be presented to your tax assessor where they will incorporate your deduction(s).

Local Memorials

The Greater Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The memorial commemorates the service, valor, and sacrifice of Vietnam Veterans and Vietnam Era Veterans as well as all members of the Greater Rochester community who were touched by the effects... of the war. The memorial also provides all Americans the opportunity for learning, remembering, and peaceful reflection. It aims to educate future generations about the war and effects leading up to it. It also serves as an oasis where people from the Greater Rochester area come to reflect about acts of valor by fellow soldiers, a loved one who suffered or died as a result of the war, and to publicly welcome home those who served.

Endorsed and supported by the Monroe County Legislature, Monroe County Department of Parks and Chapter 20 of the Vietnam Veterans of America.

World War II Memorial

Picture of the World War II Memorial in Washington DC.

Dedicated On May 29, 2004

The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died, and all who supported the war effort from home. Symbolic of the defining event of the 20th Century, the memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment of the American people. The Second World War is the only 20th Century event commemorated on the National Mall’s central axis.