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Fed. Res. Board:  P. Warburg, J.S. Williams, W.G. Harding, A.C. Miller, C.S. Hamlin, W.G. McAdoo, Fred. Delano (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Children in the tenement district, Brockton, Mass. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Santa Fe R.R. trains going through Cajon Pass in the San Bernardino Mountains, Cajon, Calif. On the right, streamliner "Chief" going west; in the background, on the left, a freight train with a helper engine, going east. Santa Fe trip (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Freight Depot of the U.S. Army consolidating station, Chicago, Ill. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Santa Fe R.R. near Melrose, New Mexico (LOC) by The Library of Congress

West bound Santa Fe R.R. freight train waiting in a siding to meet an east bound train, Ricardo, N[ew] Mex[ico] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

A completely overhauled engine on the transfer table at the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad locomotive shops, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is now ready to go into service (LOC) by The Library of Congress

In the Santa Fe R.R. yards, Belen, N[ew] Mex[ico] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Amarillo, Texas, general view, Santa Fe R.R. trip (LOC) by The Library of Congress

General view of part of the south Water street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill. A C and O R.R. caboose. the C and O is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities from the I.C.R.R (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Passing a section house along the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad, Encino vicinity, New Mexico (LOC) by The Library of Congress

General view of part of the South Water street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill. A C and O R.R. caboose. the C and O is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities from the I.C.R.R (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Santa Fe R.R. train stopping for coal and water, Laguna, N[ew] Mex[ico] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Flagman standing behind his train to flag oncoming trains at a small siding between Laguna, N[ew] Mex[ico] and Gallup, N[ew] Mex[ico]. Sant Fe R.R., Santa Fe trip (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Santa Fe R.R. line going to Albuquerque, New Mexico, past the Isleta Indian reservation, Isleta, N[ew] Mex[ico] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

The giant Santa Fe R.R. 10 million bushel grain elevator, Kansas (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Santa Fe R.R. yards, Argentine, Kansas. Argentine yard is at Kansas City, Kansas (LOC) by The Library of Congress

At the Santa Fe R.R. tie plant, Albuquerque, N[ew] Mex[ico]. The ties made of pine and fir, are seasoned for eight months. The steaming black ties in the center have just come from the retort where they have been impregnated with creosote for eight hours. by The Library of Congress

Amarillo, Texas, general view, Santa Fe R.R. trip (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Santa Fe R.R. yards and shops, Argentine, Kansas. Argentine yard is at Kansas City, Kansas (LOC) by The Library of Congress

A freight train stopping for coal and water at a siding enroute to Gallup, New Mexico, near Laguna, N.M. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Diesel switch engineer moving freight cars at the South Water street freight terminal of the Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill. The N.Y. Central is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities from the I.C.R.R. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Diesel switch engine moving freight cars at the South water street freight terminal of the Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill. The N.Y. Central is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities from the I.C.R.R. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

General view of part of the South Water street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill. A C and O R.R. caboose. the C and O is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities from the I.C.R.R (LOC) by The Library of Congress

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