Eight years of Web Archiving, One Week in The Hague

The following is a guest post by Abbey Potter, Program Officer, NDIIPP.  She is also Communications Officer for the IIPC. The Internet is a vast utility shared across borders and cultures–a resource like no other. It presents information from governments, news outlets, corporations, nonprofits and cultural heritage institutions with the thoughts, feelings and everyday outputs …

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Digital Forensics and Digital Preservation

Libraries, archives, and museums are acquiring increasing numbers of born-digital collections. I’ve been interested to see the increased use of digital forensics tools in the appraisal and processing and accessing of such collections. But there are challenges. Some of the software tools come from the realm of legal forensics, where chain of custody and recovery …

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Digital Preservation Jazz

Saving digital information is a lot like jazz — it is creative, diverse, and collaborative.  There are a variety of styles and musical approaches to jazz. Jazz musicians contribute their unique and unscripted experience and response to the composition. Digital preservation organizations partnering with the Library are a diverse, creative and collaborative community developing tools …

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Partner Profile: American Society of Media Photographers

The American Society of Media Photographers is a trade organization whose members create works primarily for publication. ASMP offers members legal, business and technical information and it advocates for photographers’ legal rights. In 2007, NDIIPP awarded funding to ASMP, which ASMP used to develop a comprehensive digital photography resource online. ASMP titled it Digital Photography …

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What Do Teenagers Know About Digital Preservation? Actually, More Than You Think…

It’s many adults’ worst nightmare: how to entertain and (try to) educate thirty 8th graders for an hour? Especially when the subject matter is as potentially complex as how to preserve digital information. Well, the first thing to do is to try and think like the teenagers who visited the Library on May 13, 2011 …

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