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Honoring the American Worker
Posted by Chris on September 01, 2012

Labor Day is a wonderful holiday.  It provides us a chance to celebrate all that summer had to offer while looking forward to fall.  If we are lucky, it gives us a chance to spend time with our family and friends, cook out, and celebrate the start of football season (Go Dawgs!).

The real meaning of Labor Day, however, is taking a moment to celebrate the American worker.  Throughout our history, the American workforce has led the world in innovation and productivity.  We have dreamed up some of the greatest inventions and created the supply chain to spread them all over the world.

America gives everyone – regardless of your past – the opportunity to earn a livelihood, provide for your family, and, if you’re lucky, the chance to give a hand up to the next generation so they may seek an even better life.

Unfortunately, America’s economy is puttering right now and is failing the American worker.  A report this week from the Bureau of Economic Analysis found that economic growth slowed for two consecutive quarters, making this the weakest economic recovery since World War II.

Remember when the Obama Administration campaigned for his trillion dollar “stimulus”?  They promised unemployment would never rise above 8 percent and millions of jobs would be created by the end of 2010.

As of last month, there are still 4.4 million fewer jobs than the Administration forecast for December 2010 and unemployment has been above 8 percent for 42 straight months, marking the longest period of high unemployment since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

While some in Washington focused on a passing a misguided health care law, the rug was being ripped out from under American workers.  Today there are 1.5 million fewer full-time workers than when President Obama took office.  Millions of Americans only have work because they have been forced to shift from full-time to part-time employment, often lacking benefits or the ability to support a family.

The economy has become so bad that many are giving up looking for work all together.  Under President Obama, total employment has increased by a net of just 33,000 new employees.  In that same time, the number of people no longer in the labor force has grown by 7.8 million.  That means that during the Obama years, labor force drop outs outnumbered new employees 237 to 1.

Even worse, those who have been able to maintain their jobs see their paychecks falling behind inflation as prices rise while wages stay stagnant or decline.

I hope this Labor Day provides everyone with an opportunity to reflect on this state of the American economy and the American worker.  We face great challenges but America has never been one to back down before.  It is not too late to abandon the failed policies that have made a bad economic situation worse.

It’s not too late to put a halt to overly-burdensome and misguided government regulations.  We should be able to come together and agree that regulators should work with well-intentioned businesses rather than using the law to exploit inadvertent mistakes.

It’s not too late to create jobs and bring down the cost of gasoline by developing America’s energy resources.  An all-of-the-above energy platform would harness America’s energy potential both in conventional means and renewable resources.

It’s not too late to replace our misguided tax code with one that works for the American economy by making it fairer, flatter, and more conducive to growth. 

In each of these areas the House has acted: calling for a review of regulations and repeal those that yield little benefit while they inflict much economic damage; voting to end President Obama’s de facto energy moratorium and to expand safe development of our resources; and laying the ground work to fast track fundamental tax reform.

In each of these areas, we welcome the President and the Senate to join us.  We also welcome them to act on any of the more than thirty bipartisan jobs bills passed by the House which await Senate action.

More than any holiday, honoring the American worker today starts with coming together to reignite the American economy and revive the American dream.

What do you think would be best to encourage economic growth?  Share your thoughts below.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Lynn Miller from Atlanta commented on 9/2/2012
    Pass the President's Jobs bills
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Lynn from Atlanta commented on 9/2/2012
    Stop wasting time and money fighting abortion, Pass jobs bills to build up the infrastructure of our roads and bridges. That will create lots of jobs.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Jim from Aberdeen commented on 9/2/2012
    We need to invest in us, the little businessman, that is paralyzed by the fear of Obamacare and also having no money available for capital investment. There has been to much waste in the stimulus that just paid back political "favors". We need to right our self and get honesty back in Government,
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Deborah from Statesboro, GA commented on 9/2/2012
    I do not understand why companies, states, politicians do not start a campaign to BUY AMERICAN. Make it a patriotic duty. Instead they build highways, new railroads and dredge ports to accommodate the near large ships that will be coming through the new Panama Canel carrying foreign made products that use to be made by Americans 30 years ago. It does not take a rocket scientist ti figure this out.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Sherryl from Alma commented on 9/2/2012
    Less government regulation. This costs an astounding amount. Example a hospital has 3600 regulations that it must be in compliance with each day. That is just rediculous. Obamacare has already hit. Most people with insurance now can not afford care because their deductibles have either doubled or tripled. Insurance companies now tell us, the providers what medications they will cover(generics) that DO NOT always work as well as the real McCoy and we are back at square one trying to control blood pressures, diabetes, etc. Same with particular tests, we have to order this one or that one before they will approve the one test that would have been sufficient. Wastful. Tax code - disband the IRS and put them on our borders. There are 3-4 times as many IRS agents as there are border patrol. Down size the government. We at our homes have to cut back if we don't have the funds, try it ..it would really cut the spending and our deficit. Use that money in other ways. Quit beating up the businesses, they are the ones who put us to work and take all the risks to build the business we need to grow the economy. Again too many regulations. Drill baby drill. That pipeline would create a ton of jobs, what is the hold up???????? Finally listen to us the people, don't allow government to think they know what is right for us. They are out here struggling. That you for allowing me that opportunity to vent.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Arlin Jackson from Jesup commented on 9/2/2012
    I think America needs to start getting jobs back in the USA company's that send jobs to other country's should realize that the blue collar workers are who help start the majority of there company's. And the people in America cant buy there products if they don't have jobs to give them money. Also it would help America turn around by. Giving them insurance to take care of them and there family. I am a firefighter I work two jobs and I am having difficulty making it in the economy we have gas is to high grocery are a hardship on our family we need jobs here. In Georgia to help us and our familys get out of poverity. This economy needs to change before the US falls into ruins .I have 7 people in my house hold 4 are school age my wife and son have been looking for jobs for almost a year and a half with no look please help us in D.C. thank Arlin Jackson
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Mark from Savannah commented on 9/2/2012
    Take the tax codes and IRS to the dump on Willington Island. Have every American pay a flat tax of income, based on W-2's or 1099's. Have congress get off their self serving asses and insist on a balance budget. My parents (while living), nor my family use credit cards. IF WE DON'T HAVE IT, WE DON'T BUY IT!!!! I am a veteran and it's getting to the point that what I did for my country for 13 years, was all in vain to see our congress just let our country go to s----. I am so sorry that my children and grand children will never know what this country use to stand for. It is time to put in place the "Buffet proposal" You know, conversation around the dinner table used to be about, school, church, vacations, and future dreams. Now it's about why do we have to continue to "do without" while social programs keep coddling the miss fits that suck the system for everything they can. Everyone has a story about the person ahead of you, in the grocery line, using food stamps to buy the best cuts of meats, etc. Then you see them drive off in their new SUV. Is this what American"s want from THEIR country. I think not.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Mark from Springfield commented on 9/2/2012
    The economic downturn in America reflects the past greed of all Americans. We want cheaper t-shirts, cheaper cars with a high quality, faster fast food, new computers, larger houses, more junk to fill them. So, the past twenty years have caught up with Americans. Wal-Mart is a household word. But economic law has caught us. We now live in a world economy, Americans want the cheapest purchases possible as they continue to increase their credit debt. Banks smile as they add fees and hand out more loans that Americans can handle. There is a law that says, "The low cost provider always wins the customer." So high wages and benefits, safety protocols and feel good policy has jacked the price of everything in America. We now import more steel from China than any country in the world. Who produces the most petroleum you ask. Arabia? No, America possesses the most oil and out of greed have oiled the plastic gears of an economy until the plastic teeth wear off. Amercan's use 25% of the worlds oil yet only contains 4.47% the world population. Why are all 50 states keeping the largest amount of "trash & rubbish" landfills in the world? Recycling is just now coming to populated areas in America. What once was the most precious metal costing the very most money and used to cap the Washington Monument in Washington (DC) is now just one of a large part of historic landfills. Breeding problems in America? Yes and paid for by the tax payer. A single mom can't work because she must care for her children, in some cases by as many fathers as she has kids. There is no accountability. Out of kindness taxpayers pay for their housing in every city in America. WIC & Welfare are the staple of the class of America and they are growing faster than the tax paying members of the nation. What was once declared to our military men as 6 million screaming Chinamen is now 1.4 trillion. What was once a small county, India now 1.2 trillion. Just these two country's producing more goods with working citizens who are paid much less than Americans have made the world trade balance catapult America off the scales, We outsource our customer support to China and India while right down the street houses go into foreclosure because dads and moms have no work. What is the solution? Recognize that the government in America creates more laws, more labor burdens and more welfare recipients than the population of the United States had at the beginning of WWII. We have legislated business out of America. We have twisted import laws that once balanced the tables so that all car manufactures can now produce more than 50% of the parts needed to build a car and pay no import taxes. Foreign manufactures have built token assembly plants to sell their cars, that are designed and partially manufactured all over the world. Business leaders were astonished when it was revealed that it is easier to do business in China than it is to do business in America. What was once recognized as red tape, now is a legislated nightmare for companies in America. Why can't America be a world leader in providing goods and services? Because we have given in to greed. Pay me more, give me more benefits, protect my industry, wine and dine the legislators who have turned what was once a NO PAY legislature with good intent to help the people they represent now is the highest paid government in the world. They have created a ruling caste system by which they have pay, benefits (including life time health care not available to tax paying Americans) We want jobs? We want peace? Then create a tax system that runs on what you spend, not what you make. Do away with cash. Every single person in America needs a debit cards with a bank account tha tracks purchases, trends and reveals fraud and abuses, illegal activities and money laundering. You want to stop drugs in America 100%? Why does John down the street give 30% of his income to Larry? Why does Larry give more money to his bank than he makes? We have the computing power to track every transaction in the United States. While some Americans will cry about invasion of their privacy by the government, they will smile when the grocer does it and produces manufacturers discounts. It is a simple process. If Americans were held accountable for every purchase and every earning, the tax coffers at Washington would overflow and the crime rate for drugs, prostitution, white collar crime and would dwindle to nothing. Our legislators would have open financial books showing where every penny of the funds they use to get reelected to the ruing caste would open the eyes of Americans to the corruption of government and the underhanded dealings of business to get legislation that helps them and hurts the American competition. I have pointed out a lot Jack. Yes I understand completely what I have implied and stated. We need a change and that includes term limits for the lifetime of legislators to give more people awareness of what is needed and what is waste. The US Government is a wondrous machine that can cripple or lift. The constitutional drafters had no clue of an uncontrollable government when their largest concern was England's tax. The percentage of tax that take away from Americans for states and the federal governments is now much larger than the little inconvenience England had in taking its little percentage from colonists. The time is coming for World War that causes Americans to stop thinking about themselves and start worrying for their neighbors. My mother once said "want not waste not" meaning if I was accountable for everything I had, I would still have it in the future. Americans need to embrace this and only take their fare of goods and services so the next generation will have some. Open government held accountable for every cent it takes is just a start to setting an example for its citizens.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Steve from Savannah commented on 9/2/2012
    American workers are the consumers in today's free market system. We create jobs by buying and consuming products, services, etc. We are the driving force of our economy. So, I think that what is good for the worker is good for the economy. Instead of blaming anyone factor, such as blaming President Obama, I think we should look at how jobs the private sector is generating jobs. I think we should look at the Banks that stalled our economy by cutting credit and lending to small business inspite of the infusion of capital by the US Teasury and Federal Reserve System. I think there is more that enough responsibility to spread around that gets American workers back to work driving our economy by earning and yes spending more. Please quit your blame game is gets us no where.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Chere from Savannah commented on 9/2/2012
    Let's give credit where credit is due. It was W's Trillion dollar giveaway to bizness, and W's double dip Recession. I am NOT a Democrat. I used to be a Republican, but they're just as bad giving welfare to sugar (chased Hershey away to Mexico). Ethanol, Petroleum (now there's a charity worth welfare), Big Agriculture (the small farmer gets bupkis). I am a small business. Why is small business is defined as under 500 employees? Should be 100. Nuclear welfare, Coal Welfare. The list might not be endless, but it sure would be interesting to see one time an across the board list - from Medicaid, Medicare, Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Hybrid Vehicles, Tax Credits, Deductions for mortgages, all the honey pots listed above and all the rest, just to see where our tax dollars are really going. The two party system appears to be irreparably broken; what has replaced is the best government lobbyists' money can buy. Of all the Congressmen and Senators with whom I have any knowledge, you (and Sam Nunn, of course) have the most integrity, but even you campaigned initially on term limitations., when I was a cub reporter for NPR.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Kelly Newcomer from Savannah GA> commented on 9/2/2012
    Get the gas prices lower would be a good start. The gas is so high people can afford to spend money.
  • 09/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Claire Thompson from Waynesville commented on 9/2/2012
    Congress Reform Act of 2012 1. No Tenure/ No Pension A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. 2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose. (Because Congress has been STEALING from it since LBJ) 3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do. 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. 7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 1/1/13. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work. This according to to Warren Buffett and would end the deficit in 5 minutes, also pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. Oh yes of course WE MUST GET RID OF OBAMA (in Nov., he is ENEMY #1 to the United States of America, killing American Jobs, sending our money and jobs overseas, leaks coming out of the WH, going around Congress everytime he wants his way or can't get his way, Obama is a disgrace to the office he holds. Get rid of Harry Reid (he's usless as tits on a boar hog, no balanced budget in 3 years). Get rid of the Dep. of Education (give it back to states & WE THE PEOPLE), get rid of the EPA Dept., DEFUND OBAMACARE NOW (in the House of Rep.), get rid of all Depts that are duplicates and/or unneccessary, and stop giving millions of dollars to Foriegn Countries that hate us. Congress must tighten their belts like the American People have. Remember YOU WORK FOR US! Sincerely, Claire Thompson, Golden Isles Tea Party
  • 09/03/12 08/31/10 False
    Larry from Ray City commented on 9/3/2012
    To encourage economic growth, we need to drastically cut government regulations. One of the largest obstacles to business growth is all of the government-mandated red tape and headaches. Many of these things are well-intentioned, but misguided in their application with absolutely no consideration for cost or common sense. However, I truly believe that if we really wanted to see unprecedented economic growth, we would completely eliminate the witholding tax (I know, only in my dreams) so that workers then get all of their earnings. If all wage earners had to cut a quarterly check to the IRS (like the self-employed do) you would see a tremendous groundswell to do something to really cut taxes. The Fair Tax proposal or something very similar that is very simple, with no exceptions for this special-interest group or that, would also be a great economic engine starter.
  • 09/03/12 08/31/10 False
    Bernie from Valdosta,GA. commented on 9/3/2012
    When Sam Walton was alive he had a bumper sticker that read,"Bring It Home To The U.S.A.". Sadly, when Sam passed away his family took over and I guess their interpretation of Sam's saying was just that. Go to China and bring their products home to the U.S.A. Today over 80% of the items sold in the Wal-Mart stories say,"MADE IN CHINA". Now, Wal-Mart is not the only ones doing this they are just the largest. So Jack, insted of propagating a buch of misinformation perhaps it would serve you well to address problems like this. Is the below misinformation? Or, is it the truth? Ah yes, today is Labor Day and some do not have jobs because their jobs were "SENT" overseas by Romney. ''Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive'' -Bernie "The Washington Post reported today that Bain Capital, the private equity firm Mitt Romney headed for 15 years, invested extensively in companies that moved jobs overseas to low-wage countries like China. The practice contradicts the rhetoric of candidate Romney, who since announcing his presidential ambitions, has criticized government policies that have led to jobs, particularly those in manufacturing, moving offshore. Rather than dispute the substance of the article, the Romney campaign has responded to the Post piece by parsing words, claiming that the story is “fundamentally flawed” for not differentiating between the technical definitions of “outsourcing” and “offshoring”:
  • 09/03/12 08/31/10 False
    netty from savannah commented on 9/3/2012
    let everyone in the workforce to take career assessments to see where their strenght area in and work in that capacity
  • 09/03/12 08/31/10 False
    Marlene from Saint Simons Island commented on 9/3/2012
    Go, Dawgs, Go, Jack: Pls add to your list total repeal of Obamacare. There is no tweaking this monster, and the GOP should NOT try to replace it until the duststorm it has created is allowed to settle. Two potential wrongs do not make a right. Your numbers re employment are very clear and should be a talking point for the GOP in the public arena and the debates. The Dems are using fuzzy math to say that fewer jobs have been lost per month under Obama than under the last year of Bush, but they fail to take into account those who have given up looking and a large number of other metrics. They also fail to admit that they have decimated middle class wealth through loss of homes and home equity and that the income of the middle class has declined in only 4 years by 5+%. Keep up the good work, Jack. We appreciate you!
  • 09/04/12 08/31/10 False
    Linda from Kingsland commented on 9/4/2012
    My memory is not that short, this is exactly how we got into this mess. Along with the fact we fought 2 wars and did NOT include them in the budget. -had that been done the obvious would have been there...You do not fight a war and not pay for it and deregulation obviously made Wall Street very weathly and nearly destroyed the world's economy. Trickle down economics have proven not to work - same old tired story. Sorry I don't buy it - but I guess if you tell it enough some people will believe it.
  • 09/04/12 08/31/10 False
    Linda from Kingsland commented on 9/4/2012
    Stimulus to build our infrastructure that is broken badly. Continue to invest in "green energy" - this will put the American Worker back to work and their salaries will pay the taxes to pay back the stimulus...Look at the success of GM.!
  • 09/04/12 08/31/10 False
    Mike from Woodbine commented on 9/4/2012
    I agree with Jack, control of taxation to spur small business growth would be a great help. Taxes will always be needed to operate government. However, proper spending would help to control taxes. As current cash flow dwindles in this recession, even small taxes are a major burden. A balanced budget amendment would be a step in the right direction. While it will not help the immediate crisis, it will help to not place this hugh burden of debt on our children and grandchildren. The more the Federal government is out of control in their spending, the more devaluation that comes to the dollar. All the while, incurring undue interest and worry for the next generation. One major concern is that retirement plan promises are totally out of control and must be reined in if we are to avoid what Europe is going through now! These plans are very expensive! I know that it is not true of all retirement plans, but there are some plans out there that pay almost as much as when people were working. That just doesn't make good economic since to be able to sustain a plan like that. This is true with the Federal, State, and most local governments. If I can see that from Woodbine, wiser and more influential people should be able to see that from Washinton!
  • 09/04/12 08/31/10 False
    Myra from Statesboro commented on 9/4/2012
    Small businesses need to be encouraged to start hiring. There are too many uncertainties up in the air for that to happen. They are having to deal with too much red tape and they are being taxed to death. Without the small business employer this country will go under. Taxes need to be simplified such as a flat tax. Our laws need to be simplified too. They set the guilty free on technicalities and are of no help to the victims. If a person makes over a million dollars a year, why should it be wrong for them to pay social security and medicare taxes on their pay? And government has gotten too big. Every congressman makes $444,000 a year plus expenses and has numerous helpers, aids and secretaries and the taxpayers are footing the bill for everyone of them. You have the cream of the crop health insurance and a fantastic retirement program that taxpayers foot the bill for. A lot of what federal government controls should be in the hands of the individual states. And we certainly don't need Czars. We also need more fair trade agreements. We need drill more oil wells in the US and not depend upon foreign oil. I do agree that we need to develop clean air fuels too, but we can't stop living until they are develoiped.
  • 09/05/12 08/31/10 False
    James from Waycross, Ga commented on 9/5/2012
    When government is small and plays a relatively small role in the economy, the economic data is relatively true and uncorrupted. This "good" data permits small government to make well informed decisions on what course of action is best. Small government can make good decisions because it has good data; which leads some people to believe that government can successfully do much more. But, as government grows and its interventions in the economy increase, economic data is necessarily corrupted by the economic interventions. The "bad" data of big government makes decisions more complicated and more prone to error, no matter the intentions or intelligence of the politicians. Big government often makes bad decisions because of bad data; undermining everyones trust in government.
  • 09/08/12 08/31/10 False
    Rose Marie Sinnott from Valdosta commented on 9/8/2012
    In my opinion, the most necessary action is to remove all the many regulatory requirements that have been enacted at the local, state and federal levels since the '60's. Government governs best that governs least.
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