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Speaker Boehner is calling on President Obama to personally “order the release of all administration records associated with the decision to slash pensions for non-union auto workers at Delphi during his taxpayer-funded auto bailout.”

November 2, 2012

"Four years of persistently high unemployment and long-term joblessness might be the best President Obama can do – but it’s nowhere near what the American people can do if we get Washington out of their way."

November 2, 2012

In a letter to the White House yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner urged President Obama to provide a full accou

October 26, 2012

Last quarter’s paltry two percent economic growth – “too weak to rapidly boost hiring” – is another indictment of President Obama’s failed mixture of ‘stimulus’ spending, excessive regulations, and looming tax hikes.

October 26, 2012

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today sent the following letter to President Obama asking him to explain to the American people the Administration’s response to the terrorist attack in Libya and the fact that publicly-available information has consistently contradicted Administration accounts describing the cause and nature of the attack.

October 25, 2012
A Reformer Who Took on the Establishment

Elected to Congress in 1990, John quickly became a voice for reform in Congress. First, he adopted a "no earmarks" policy that he carries with him to this day. And as part of the "Gang of Seven", he and fellow lawmakers took on the House establishment - Democrats and Republicans. Together, they successfully closed the scandal-riddled House Bank, uncovered "dine-and-dash" practices at the House Restaurant, and exposed drug sales and cozy cash-for-stamps deals at the House Post Office.

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