Rep. Mike Coffman

Rep. Mike Coffman


Member of Congress representing Colorado's 6th District; Marine Corps combat veteran; 30 Rock fan. RTs/follows do not mean endorsement.

Aurora, CO or Washington D.C. ·

Tweets Alle / Ingen svar

Statement on today's vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act & replace it with patient-centered health care reform.:

Ensuring American taxpayers' $ are being well spent thru reform & accountability at the Afghan Natl Military Hospital

Deeply disappointed that the individual mandate was re-branded as a tax & allowed to stand. We need a

I'll be on at 8:34 MTN & at 8:40 MTN 2 discuss my thoughts on the Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

Meeting with the US Forest Service Chief Tidwell to discuss the fires. - list of resources 4 all fire victims &evacuees

Today's floor speech urging my colleagues to support my bipartisan bill-the Small Business Lending For Jobs Act of 2012

Cong. Perlmutter & my oped on the Small Business Lending For Jobs Act which will be introduced next week.

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