Rep. Grimm Calls for Participation in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

Sep 28, 2012 Issues: Health, Sponsored Legislation

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Congressman Michael G. Grimm (R,C-NY) and Richmond County District Attorney  Dan Donovan are encouraging New Yorkers to participate in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, in which residents can turn in unwanted and expired prescription medication.  The event will take place tomorrow, September 29, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The national day is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in order to combat prescription drug abuse.

“Prescription drug abuse is plaguing our community, particularly our youth. The first step to fighting this epidemic begins with us and we must be proactive. I encourage everyone to participate in tomorrow’s National Take-Back Day, in order to get unwanted and expired prescription medications out of reach and safely disposed of, so that they are no longer accessible for abuse. I thank District Attorney Dan Donovan for his ongoing commitment to fighting this epidemic on Staten Island and appreciate his strong support for my legislation, the Fraudulent Prescription Prevention Act.”

“Leaving unused prescription medication sitting in your cabinet is like leaving a loaded gun in the middle of your living room - it has the same potential for disaster. Almost every day, the news recounts tragic stories of fatal prescription pill addictions which so often begin with drugs accessible at home,” D.A. Donovan said. “You can safeguard your family, safeguard your community, and help us in our ongoing battle against this deadly addiction by participating in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.”

This Congress, Rep. Michael Grimm introduced the Fraudulent Prescription Prevention Act (H.R. 1266), which will help combat the prescription drug abuse epidemic throughout Staten Island, Brooklyn and the nation.  Rep. Grimm’s bill would establish a secure web portal for physicians and pharmacists across the country to properly record prescriptions electronically. This database would update in real-time to prevent “pharmacy shopping” and abuse by stolen prescription pads – a major source for drug abuse.  The bill is also supported by Richmond and Kings County District Attorneys Daniel Donovan and Charles Hynes.

To find a drop off location near you, please call 1-800-882-9539 or visit the DEA’s National Take Back website:

