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Washington, DC—Today, Congressman Jim Renacci (OH-16) voted in support of a bill to force Democrats to abandon their plans for a government shutdown and heed the demands of the American people by agreeing to serious spending cuts. H.R. 1255, the Government Shutdown Prevention Act, passed the House by a vote of 221 – 201. Not only does it state that if the Senate refuses to act on any full year funding measure by next Wednesday, the provisions of the full year CR passed by the House will become law; it would also keep Members of Congress and the President from receiving a salary during a government shutdown. Congressman Renacci released the following statement in response to the bill’s passage:

“Since January, House Republicans have consistently advanced an agenda to end Washington’s reckless spending spree. We passed the single largest spending cut since World War II with our original Continuing Resolution, we repealed the government health care overhaul that is crippling our economy, and we passed $10 billion worth of spending cuts in five weeks. Yet Senate Democrats and the White House have shown a stunning failure of leadership. They’re playing partisan politics instead of governing responsibly and coming up with a solution other than continuing the status quo. My vote in support of this bill was a vote to call on Democrats to abandon their plans to shut down as a tool to avoid reducing spending, and to join House Republicans in supporting a long-term funding proposal that includes the serious spending reductions demanded by the American people.”
