Treasury Logo
Catherine A. Provencher - State Treasurer

The Treasury of the State of New Hampshire provides to the state government, its agencies, the legislature and its citizens, professional financial management services. The Treasury will optimize the use of state financial assets while protecting those assets through the employment of appropriate technology, modern and efficient banking practices, a commitment to prudent management of public funds and a professional staff.

The Treasury is responsible for a variety of financial management activities including cash management (managing and investing the State's funds and trust accounts), debt management (issuing general obligation and revenue bonds for capital projects and administering related debt service payments) and unclaimed or abandoned property. The Treasury's Annual Report has more specific information relating to receipts, disbursements and debt payments for all of the State's fund accounts.

The Treasury is responsible for acquiring and returning Unclaimed Property to its rightful owners. Last year the Abandoned Property Division returned more than $4.5 million dollars to 7,193 claimants, so be sure to check our online Unclaimed Property database for money that might belong to you!

Check out the UNIQUE College Investing Plan to find out how easy it is to invest now for a college education. The UNIQUE plan is New Hampshire's tax-exempt 529 plan and is consistently ranked as one of the top college savings plans in the country! Enrollment forms are available on-line.

For more Treasury information, explore all of our menu options including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). We hope the information that we have provided is both interesting and useful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions you may have and thank you for visiting our home page.


The Employees of the New Hampshire State Treasury

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