Steve Stivers

Steve Stivers


Proud to represent the citizens of Ohio's 15th Congressional District.

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I just posted my latest blog about an inspiring 101-year-old centenarian in our area—click here to check it out:

I’d still like to know what you think about the national debt—please follow this link to take my poll:

Your opinion is important to me—please take a moment to head over to my website & take my poll about the national debt:

I still want to hear from you—what is your reaction to our government’s $16 trillion debt? Take my poll at

Congratulations to on being named Zagat's top overall fast-food restaurant! We’re proud to have Wendy’s call Central Ohio “home!”

Our national debt exceeded $16 trillion I want to hear from you-what's your reaction to the national debt? Take my poll

Let’s take time to remember those brave service members who have fought for our freedom.

Parece que el contenido está tardando un poco en cargarse.

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