Congressman Jeff Duncan
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Congressman Jeff Duncan - Washington, DC

Congressman Jeff Duncan
4,311 likes · 1,916 talking about this

  • Government Official
    “I always give God the glory. I never question why things happen the way they do. I know God is in control of my life, and I also know, if nothing else, that I’m standing on the Rock.” Texas Longhorn QB Colt McCoy
  1. Thank you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you in Congress for the next two years. I'm humbled by your support, and I pledge to keep up the fight!
  2. Help us reach our goal of 5,000 likes by the end of the year!
    Photo: Help us reach our goal of 5,000 likes by the end of the year!
  3. What's on everyone's minds this evening?
  4. As the Truth is coming out about Benghazi, let us not forget that the Administration - including the President himself - misled the American people. That is clear just by looking at President Obama's comments on Sept. 12th to 60 Minutes (edited but posted to their website on Oct. 19th) and his subsequent comments for weeks afterward........intentionally misled the American people for What? To get past the election?
  5. ABC is starting to report on the Administration's missteps in Benghazi and the appearance of a cover-up. Everyone (members of Congress, the public, and the media) must keep demanding answers from the Administration if we have any hope of getting answers BEFORE Election Day! The public has the right to the complete, unfiltered truth on what happened, when, and why.
  6. Pic credit: Larry Gleason
    Aiken Town Clock
    Yes, we deserve to have all the facts now
    101 votes
    No, we should wait until the investigation is completed
    6 votes
    We know all the "facts"
    3 votes
  7. Pressing towards our goal of having 5,000 "likes" on this page by the end of the year! Please encourage your friends and family to follow me here for news and updates!
    Jeff Duncan is a South Carolina native and a 1988 graduate of Clemson University. Prior to being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Duncan served as branch manager and an Assistant Vice President during his seven years of working in community banking. Later, he became the Pres...
    Page: 4,311 like this
  8. A little Halloween humor. Thank you to Jason Zacher for the great find.
    Photo: A little Halloween humor. Thank you to Jason Zacher for the great find.
  9. Breakfast (part II) over at Seneca Family Restaurant
    Photo: Breakfast (part II) over at Seneca Family Restaurant
  10. Sitting at the "table of knowledge" at the Bojangles in Clemson
    Photo: Sitting at the "table of knowledge" at the Bojangles in Clemson
  11. I had to show an ID recently when I took my household trash to the County operated dumpster...
    Photo: I had to show an ID recently when I took my household trash to the County operated dumpster...
  12. Praying for everyone impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Looks like it's going to take a while to clean up this mess.
  13. Happy Birthday to Marcus Lattimore, a South Carolina hero who has earned the admiration of the entire country for his work ethic, faith, and team spirit. Happy 21st birthday Marcus and I hope you get well soon!
    Photo: Happy Birthday to Marcus Lattimore, a South Carolina hero who has earned the admiration of the entire country for his work ethic, faith, and team spirit. Happy 21st birthday Marcus and I hope you get well soon!
  14. A storm may be brewing up in Washington, but our soldiers are undeterred and remain at their posts. Truly an inspiring sight to see. We are so grateful for our men and women in uniform!
    Photo: A storm may be brewing up in Washington, but our soldiers are undeterred and remain at their posts. Truly an inspiring sight to see. We are so grateful for our men and women in uniform!
  15. I've received a lot of questions asking whether UN observers will be monitoring US elections. Yes this is true, but they do not have any ability to influence the election. The state of TX has said they won't allow UN monitors because they v...
    iolate Texas law. SC's law however is different and does allow for observers as long as they don't interfere with the election. Hope this clears things up! If you think we should follow Texas's lead, be sure to contact your state legislator.
    See More
  16. Anyone who has filed a South Carolina tax return since 1998 should take the following step:

    Call 1-866-578-5422 where you will enroll in a consumer protection service. The call center is open 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM EST on Monday through Friday and 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST on Saturday and Sunday.
  17. Proud of my youngest son being recognized for a perfect score on his PASS test!
    Photo: Proud of my youngest son being recognized for a perfect score on his PASS test!
  18. Thank you to the RSC and everyone who participated in my facebook forum yesterday. I hope to be able to do it again sometime!
  19. I'm doing some Q&A over at the Republican Study Committee page this afternoon. Feel free to post your questions!
    PLEASE JOIN US FOR TODAY'S RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Congressman Jeff Duncan will be on and off throughout most of the day answering your questions from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT. We'll also get to some of the questions asked earlier in the week. If you've ever wanted to chat with a Member of Congress about what's going on with health care, energy policy, taxes, the debt, or another policy issue, now is your chance!
    Photo: PLEASE JOIN US FOR TODAY'S RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Congressman Jeff Duncan will be on and off throughout most of the day answering your questions from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT. We'll also get to some of the questions asked earlier in the week. If you've ever wanted to chat with a Member of Congress about what's going on with health care, energy policy, taxes, the debt, or another policy issue, now is your chance!
  20. I'm thinking a Whiteford's biscuit this morning...
  21. Evidence from newly obtained e-mails confirms that the White House knew within two hours that the assault on US diplomats in Benghazi was a sophisticated act of terrorism and not a violent demonstration in response to a YouTube video as pre...
    viously claimed. The fact that Ambassador Rice continually repeated false claims on national television six days after the White House knew what happened proves one of two things: gross incompetence from the Obama Administration or a willful intent to deceive Americans prior to an election. Given the seriousness of this situation and the fast approaching election, the Administration has a responsibility and legal obligation to fully respond to Congress’s inquires on behalf of the American people. There is no way to overstate the seriousness of this situation, nor the necessity for a complete, thorough, and immediate investigation before the election. While my sincere hope is that there was no willful attempt to deceive the American people, the ramifications of the possibility that officials within the Administration deliberately misled the public is too serious to ignore.
    See More
  22. Breaking News: New e-mails prove the White House knew within two hours that the assault in Benghazi was a sophisticated act of terrorism and not a violent demonstration in response to a YouTube video. The fact that Ambassador Rice continual...
    ly repeated a false claim on national television six days after the White House knew what happened proves one of two things: gross incompetence from the Obama Administration or an intent to deceive Americans prior to the election.
    See More
  23. In the car on my way down to Aiken this morning. Looking forward to discussing energy policy and thanking them for letting me be their representative these past two years. After January, Aiken will no longer be in the Third District because of redistricting. However, the county and the people will always have a friend in me.
  24. I just heard that President Barack Obama has not visited the Nation of Israel at all during his term in office...I must say, that troubles me...
  25. Our out-of-control national debt is a serious threat to our national security. We can either act now to solve this problem, or risk quickly becoming the world's next Greece.
  26. I get a lot of great feedback from folks around the district who enjoy being connected with me on facebook. Will you help spread the word by sharing this page with your friends and family? Our goal is to have 5,000 "likes" before the end of the year! "Share" and "like" this status to help out!
    Jeff Duncan is a South Carolina native and a 1988 graduate of Clemson University. Prior to being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Duncan served as branch manager and an Assistant Vice President during his seven years of working in community banking. Later, he became the Pres...
    Page: 4,311 like this
  27. Nothing like exercising one's Second Amendment Rights by attending a Gun and Knife show in Greenville, SC!
  28. With Sen. George McGovern's passing, many obituaries across the country are calling him a lifetime liberal hero, someone who fought hard for left-leaning policies. Ironically enough, Sen. McGovern was so opposed to the Democrat's "card check" union legislation, that he made this ad opposing the measure. Card check is too left for even the liberal lion I suppose. My prayers go out to his family for their loss.
  29. A Prideful tear-jerker as the USAF pilots who supported and defended Rodriquez' unit that was pinned down in Afghanistan are recognized and Rodriquez runs on the field to hug their necks in thanks!
  30. It is a BEAUTIFUL Day for College Football in the South!
  31. Looking forward to attending the annual Oktoberfest luncheon in Walhalla today!
  32. A new report from the Congressional Research Service shows that welfare is now the single largest federal expense – greater than Social Security, Medicare, and national defense. Combined state & federal spending on 83 different welfare programs topped $1 trillion in FY 2011.
  33. Looking forward to being in Anderson County meeting with constituents today!

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