Latino-Bashing GOP Seeks Puerto Rican Votes

Mar 16, 2012 Issues: Immigration

Seeing this crop of Republican presidential candidates pander for Latino votes is like watching some teenage boys learn to dance. It is awkward and embarrassing with plenty of missteps. And the last thing in the world they want is for one of their friends to see them do it. That is why the primary on Sunday in Puerto Rico is so entertaining. The candidates need the votes and the delegates, but their efforts to make themselves appealing to Latino citizens of the United States is so forced and ridiculous that it is painful to watch. Their attempt to court Latinos voters is so filled with hypocrisy that they all look like they can't wait to get off of the island and get back home to do more of what they are good at: bashing and scapegoating Latinos.

To one audience, the Republican candidates feel they must be defenders of English, tough on immigration, and be seen always taking a stand against the diversification of America. They believe this to be what the conservative base of the Republican Party and the Tea Party want. They are mostly wrong about that, I think, but that is what they believe.