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"With ongoing job loss and uncertainty due to our national economic crisis, these funds will provide jobs and long-needed upgrades of our military facilities. That is a critical step to make sure our servicemembers are properly trained and equipped for the many engagements we face around the world and in the homeland."

˜ Ben Nelson

Related Issues & News
Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009 – Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson welcomed a U.S. Defense Department announcement today that Nebraska stands to receive $46.9 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for major military facilities improvements in the state.
“With ongoing job loss and uncertainty due to our national economic crisis, these funds will provide jobs and long-needed upgrades of our military facilities,” said Senator Nelson. “That is a critical step to make sure our servicemembers are properly trained and equipped for the many engagements we face around the world and in the homeland.”
The Department of Defense announced today the first stage of projects that will be funded in Nebraska and nationwide from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the economic stimulus bill.
The $46.9 million headed to Nebraska will be used for operation and maintenance, defense health programs, family housing facilities, and restoration and modernization projects, Nelson said.

Nearly $39 million for operations and maintenance will go to Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue.
Of that, about $20 million will go to modernization and facility upgrades to reconfigure the Ehrling Bergquist Medical/Dental Clinic. The facility was built in 1965 as a hospital to accommodate outpatient clinical, support, and administrative functions. The renovations will include upgrading utility, building, and communications infrastructure, according to the Department of Defense.
Another $18.5 million will be allocated for base-wide infrastructure and facility repairs, including repairs and upgrades to electrical, gas lines and valves, water mains and valves and roof repairs.
  Nelson identified funding for several other Nebraska facilities:

  • In Omaha, $ 4.4 million for the repair and modernization of the reserve training center and vehicle maintenance facility.
  • $780,000 to upgrade facilities at Camp Ashland, the training site for developing officers and non-commissioned officers in the National Guard of the United States and the US Army Reserve.
  • $458,000 to upgrade the range and support buildings located at Greenlief, Nebraska's primary range and armor training site, located in Hastings. Senator Nelson has advocated for upgrades to the Greenlief site since he visited the facility in 2006.
  • The Lincoln Army National Guard Aviation Support Facility will receive $2.3M to upgrade its readiness center.

Senator Nelson played a key role in the passage of the $787 billion stimulus bill. He worked with a bipartisan group of nearly 20 Senators to better focus The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on tax cuts for the middle class and job creation for millions of Americans. Senator Nelson led the group to go through the initial bill line by line, dollar by dollar, to reduce spending and cut out $108 billion of inefficient or less-stimulative spending. The bipartisan group helped the improved bill win congressional approval. President Obama signed it into law February 17, 2009.

Senator Nelson is posting information about the release of stimulus finds on his website as it becomes available.  Visit for more information.


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