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My internship program offers college students an opportunity to learn about the functions of the House of Representatives, as well as my role in representing Virginia's 10th District.

An internship in my office presents college students a variety of opportunities to participate in the daily operations of a congressional office, either in the Washington D.C. office or my district offices.

General intern responsibilities include:

  • Opening mail
  • Answering telephones
  • Entering computer data
  • Referring letters sent by other Member's constituents
  • Responding to constituent requests
  • Attending congressional hearings and lectures (DC)
  • Assisting with special projects, including legislative research
  • Assisting with constituent casework (District offices)

Internships are unpaid positions. However, I support students requesting credit for their internship through their college or university. Applicants should have completed at least one semester of college-level work prior to beginning the internship.

We offer summer, fall, and spring internships. The deadline for summer applications is February 28.  For fall and and spring internships application deadlines are rolling. Please keep in mind that summer is a popular time for internships, and there is a limit to the number of interns that may work in the office at any given time.

Click here for an internship application.