
Capito Responds To Latest Jobs Numbers Released By Department Of Labor


WASHINGTON—“West Virginians deserve better than frustratingly high unemployment and lackluster economic growth.  We have a chance in Washington to get things right, however the President and the Senate have blocked over 30 commonsense jobs bills from seeing the light of day. 

“Middle class income has fallen by over $4,000, the number of Americans on food stamps is up 41%, our federal debt has topped $16 trillion and gas prices are up over 100%.  In West Virginia, unemployment is on the rise, while the Administration and the EPA continue their attempt to shutdown vital energy resources and destroy good-paying jobs.  The Obama Administration’s War on Coal has already claimed over 3,000 jobs in West Virginia.

“In order to counter the failed economic policies of the Obama Administration, House Republicans have passed bipartisan bills to stop the tax hikes on hardworking Americans, replace devastating defense cuts and cut red tape,  while putting forth a path to reform the tax code to make it fairer and simpler.  The way to make a sufficient dent in unemployment is by alleviating uncertainty and empowering small businesses to start hiring again.”