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Foxx Report

  • September 2012
  • Fighting Obama's Attack on Welfare Reform

    Republicans have a clear record of strengthening the work requirements at the heart of the 1996 welfare reform bill, and we stand with the 83 percent of Americans who want to see them upheld. Just this week, we took action and passed House Joint Resolutio
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  • August 2012
  • Don't Overtax the American Dream

    The President made quite a splash with his comments concerning who made what in the private sector. In light of such disconnect, it is no wonder he is proposing tax increases that will hit nearly 1 million small businesses this next year. The takeaway
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  • July 2012
  • Defending Obamacare's Failures Places Jobs at Stake

    The President put the economy on notice when he signed Obamacare into law in 2010 with zero bipartisan support, and over the objections of the vast majority of Americans. Even before full implementation, the President's law has fallen short of its
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  • May 2012
  • What is Fairness?

    In the 2012 "State of the Union" address, President Obama said, "We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by, or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fa
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  • April 2012
  • Preserving America's Freedom

    Several weeks ago I asked my 15-year-old grandson about what makes America different from other countries in the world. After thinking about the question for a few moments he answered, "Freedom."
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  • March 2012
  • President Obama's discussion of college costs is timely but needs to be expanded

    President Obama's State of the Union address and his speech at the University of Michigan made broad sweeping comments about education and the issue of rising college costs. As Chairwoman of the Higher Education Subcommittee, I share his concern about
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  • February 2012
  • Keystone Pipeline Would Fuel Recovery

    In December, the President deferred a decision on the pipeline's future until 2013. In response, Congress acted on behalf of our constituents and in the interest of job creation, requiring the President to make a decision.
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  • January 2012
  • Washington's culture of spending is changing

    With all the news reports of partisan warfare in Washington, DC, you might have missed the big story of 2011: Congress is cutting spending and reining in the even-growing federal government.
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