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War Rakkasans and Afghan National Army Celebrate New Training Facility

Audio by Sgt. Victor Gardner | 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (AA) Public Affairs | Date: 11.12.2010

Coalition and Afghan National Security Forces partnerships are constantly trying to improve training for the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police. Outside training is important, but classroom...


1st Jurga Dand District Center

Audio by Staff Sgt. Joshua Arends | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Public Affairs | Date: 08.20.2010

After finally being recognized as a district by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the village leaders in the Dand District come together for the first time to try to form a subcommittee that will work in...


PRT Zabul visits ANP station

Audio by Cpl. A.J. Lugo | Defense Media Activity - Marines | Date: 07.02.2010

The counterinsurgency in Afghanistan aims to put Afghans in the lead role of securing their country. Marine Cpl. A.J. Lugo takes us out with a team of soldiers offering a small show of kindness to enable a...


Dandar Blow in Place, Audio Version

Audio by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 06.07.2010

Package about Soldiers from the Vermont National Gard, along with the Afghan National Army and Police, finding and destroying a rocket in a local village. Produced by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson. Also see "Dandar...