U N I T E D   S T A T E S   A I R   F O R C E


Retired Aug. 1, 1960.   Died July 6, 1982.

Wiley Duncan Ganey was born in 1907, in Andalusia, Ala., where he graduated from high school in 1925. He attended the University of Florida and in July 1926, entered the U.S. Military Academy, from which he graduated June 12, 1930, and was commissioned a second lieutenant of Field Artillery. The following fall he began flying training and upon graduation from the primary and advanced flying schools at Brooks and Kelly fields in Texas, was rated a pilot, transferred to the Air Corps Dec. 22, 1931, and assigned with the Second Observation Squadron at Nichols Field, Philippine Islands.

In June 1935, General Ganey entered the Air Corps Technical School at Chanute Field, Ill., graduated the following year and remained as a maintenance engineer and armament officer. In November 1937, he was assigned to the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command at Lowry Field, Colo., and in June 1942, became executive officer of Lincoln Army Air Base, Lincoln Neb. He was named air inspector at San Francisco, Calif., in June 1943, and the following August assumed that position at Colorado Springs, Colo.

General Ganey assumed command of the 498th Bomb Group at Clovis, N.M., in January 1944, and the following October moved with it to Saipan, Mariannas Islands. From September to December 1945, he was liaison officer at headquarters of the Armed Forces in the Pacific at Tokyo, Japan. In January 1946, he was assigned to Joint Task Force One, which conducted "Operation Crossroads," the atom bomb tests at Bikini Atoll during July 1946.

In September 1946, General Ganey entered the Air War College at Maxwell Field, Ala., and upon graduation the following June was assigned to Air Force Headquarters as deputy chief of the Operations Division in the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations. He was named assistant for atomic energy to the deputy chief of staff for operations in August 1948.

Transferring to the Strategic Air Command in September 1949, General Ganey was named deputy chief of staff for operations at 15th Air Force headquarters, Colorado Springs, Colo. The following January he assumed command of the 22nd Bomb Wing, SAC at March Air Force Base, Calif., taking certain elements of the 22nd to Korea from July to November 1950, and then resuming command of the wing at March Air Force Base.

Still with the Strategic Air Command at March Air Force Base, General Ganey assumed command of the 12th Air Division in February 1951, and a year later was named special assistant to the commanding general of the 15th Air Force there. From March to September 1952, General Ganey assumed command of the Far East Air Forces Bomber Command, and then resumed his former position with the 15th Air Force. He assumed command of the 602nd Air Division, 15th Air Force, SAC, at Smoky Hill Air Force Base, Salinas, Kan., in November 1952.

In May 1954, General Ganey was designated director of operations, under the deputy of chief of staff, operations, at Air Force Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

His decorations include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Bronze Star Medal, and the Air Medal with two oak leaf clusters. He is rated a command pilot and aircraft observer.

General Ganey is married and has two children.

(Up to date as of May 1954)