
Lipinski Honored With "Economic Patriot Award"

Oak Lawn Independent

Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3) has been awarded the Paul E. Tsongas Economic Patriot Award by the Concord Coalition for his leadership on the fiscally responsible Cooper-LaTourette nonpartisan deficit reduction plan earlier this year.

“The only way we can provide the serious deficit reduction that everyone agrees we need is if both parties stop playing political games and work together as Americans for the good of our country’s future,” Rep. Lipinski said. “This bipartisan plan that I helped bring to the House floor is a common-sense approach for putting our fiscal house in order while strengthening the long-term sustainability of programs critical for the middle class.”

The budget was modeled on the plan put forward in 2010 by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, co-chaired by former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson and Democrat Erskine Bowles, and was introduced by four Republicans and five Democrats, including Rep. Lipinski. It would have trimmed the deficit by more than $4 trillion over the next 10 years, simplified the tax code, eliminated tax loopholes, and lowered tax rates for individuals and small businesses. The budget also included a plan to preserve and strengthen critical programs such as Medicare and Social Security for future generations.

“We are honoring Republican and Democratic House members who this year put the national interest about political partisanship,” said Robert Bixby, Executive Director of the Concord Coalition. “Their plan could rein in projected deficits and put the United States on a more responsible and sustainable course – one that would protect our nation’s strength and shield future generations of Americans from crippling national debt.”

“Continued partisan posturing means more gridlock and more deficits that our nation cannot afford,” Rep. Lipinski said. “Washington has to wake up and recognize that reducing the national debt requires the courage and the vision to compromise. Otherwise, the American people will suffer as deficits continue to grow and drag down our economy.”