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Ways and Means
The Committee is the oldest committee of the US Congress, & is the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives.
Ways and Means 18h
Report confirms states can share data while protecting privacy data imprvmts program integrity & taxpayer svings
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Ways and Means retweeted
Speaker John Boehner 2d
The president got his higher taxes, now Washington must get serious about its spending problem
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Ways and Means 3d
Replacing spending cuts w/ tax hikes will do nothing to solve our problem, but will hurt job creation
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Ways and Means retweeted
Jim Renacci 3d
Honored to announce I am the newest member of the Ways & Means Committee:
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Ways and Means 3d
Chairman Camp's proposal "one step towards rethinking taxes" via
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Ways and Means 15 Feb
Camp Announces Republican Membership on Ways & Means Subcommittees for 113th Congress
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Ways and Means 15 Feb
Stimulus' Unhappy 4th Bday: +$1 trillion to the debt, -2.8 million jobs & unemployment +2.7% than Dems predicted
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Ways and Means 14 Feb
This hearing is about your input so policies that might be considered will be crafted with you&the communities you serve in mind
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Ways and Means 14 Feb
To pursue open & transparent today’s hearing allows stakeholders & members of the public a chance to share their perspectives
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Ways and Means 14 Feb
Hearing from those in our communities is critical to understanding how decisions we make in Washington affects people back home
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Ways and Means 14 Feb
Read Camp's opening statement from today's hearing here:
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Ways and Means 14 Feb
Tune-In Live: W&M Full Committee Hearing on and charitable contributions
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Ways and Means 13 Feb
Camp and Levin Announce Ways and Means Working Groups
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Ways and Means 13 Feb
We will be holding a hearing on tomorrow at 9:30 AM. Witness list and other info found here:
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Ways and Means 13 Feb
W/ revenues doubling over the next decade, the problem isn’t too few taxes, it is too much wasteful spending
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Ways and Means 13 Feb
Tax revenues to more than double by 2023, while top tax rates hit highest level since 1986
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Ways and Means 13 Feb
Camp, Nunes welcome US- EU trade negotiations. Strong trade agreement = good paying jobs for American workers
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Ways and Means 13 Feb
The President’s call for higher taxes is anything but tax reform.
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Ways and Means 12 Feb
Mr. President, why am I losing the health insurance I have and like?
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Ways and Means 12 Feb
Mr. President, why are my health insurance premiums going up?
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