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110th Congress News Archives

  • Boustany Calls for Increased American Energy Production as OPEC Slashes Output

    "As our economy slows, American families cannot afford dramatically higher gas prices like we suffered this past summer," Boustany said. "We must responsibly increase American production to decrease our dependence on unstable foreign sources like OPEC. Not only will more U.S. output keep the price low, but it will create good paying American jobs too. That's a win-win situation to get our economy back on track."
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  • Boustany- "Working together is the only way we will be able to complete parts of I-49, I-10"

    "Over the next few months, Congress will begin deliberation on a new Highway Bill," Boustany said. "By working together now, we can best utilize all our resources and complete the highway projects Southwest Louisiana desperately needs. Cooperation is the only way we will be able to complete parts of I-49 South, I-10 and other major infrastructure projects."
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  • Boustany Announces $2.5 Million for Abbeville General Hospital Hurricane Upgrades

    "Abbeville General is an integral part of our region's hurricane preparedness plan, and this funding will help put the hospital in better shape to serve Vermillion Parish during future storms," Boustany said. "As a former doctor, I know how important secure facilities are for people in Southwest Louisiana. FEMA's grant will be put to good use."
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  • Boustany Praises Announcement of Waiver for Local Cost-Share Requirements for Calcasieu, Cameron Parishes for Ike Cleanup

    "As Calcasieu and Cameron continue to rebuild and repair after hurricanes Gustav and Ike, the federal cost-share requirement was a real burden on their communities," Boustany said. "I am glad the President understands the difficulties they face, and I appreciate this waiver. After meeting with many parish-wide leaders, the tough financial decisions they faced were apparent. This waiver allows our parishes to get back up and running quicker."
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  • Boustany- "While not perfect, this is a better bill that will help Southwest Louisiana keep jobs."

    "The economic downturn America is beginning to realize is a result of greed and irresponsibility, and now, small businesses, responsible homeowners and Southwest Louisiana families suffer because of reckless decisions by Wall Street," Boustany said. "After reading this legislation and talking with experts and people across my district, I am convinced inaction at this time would hurt middle-class families. An increase in guaranteed limits for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will help restore public confidence in the safety of their bank deposits, and it is one important change from previous versions of this bill. People are anxious about banks being able to honor their commitments, and I acted to provide confidence. Strong oversight of Treasury and sound safeguards will help taxpayers recoup this loan over time; this is a necessary start. While not perfect, this is a better bill that will help Southwest Louisiana keep jobs."
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  • Boustany Votes Against $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout

    "My first responsibility as a member of Congress is to the American taxpayer, and today, I am proud to defend the hard-earned dollars they send to Washington," Boustany said. "Our financial markets are critical to economic growth. This bill is not the prudent way to protect responsible mortgages and pension plans. Congress can still act in a smart way to allow the market to correct itself, but taxpayers will not be put on the hook, if I have a say about it."
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  • Boustany Urges USDA to Extend 2009 Crop Insurance Deadline for Farmers Impacted by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike

    "Farmers and ranchers across Southwest Louisiana continue to struggle with recovery as flooding and debris hamper their efforts," Boustany said. "With the 2009 crop insurance deadline just days away, Secretary Schafer must act to help many farmers who remain unable to return to their farms because of safety concerns."
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  • Boustany Announces $8.5 Million Grant to Build Four Coastal Restoration Barriers in Cameron and Vermillion Parishes

    "People in Southwest Louisiana understand how important our coast is to our economy, our energy and our way of life," Boustany said. "This grant is another step in the process to stopping coastal erosion to protect property and lives along the coast from another devastating hurricane. Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are the most recent reminders of the damage that can be done."
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  • Boustany Votes for Emergency Dredging Funds; Meets with Corps to Ensure Calcasieu Ship Channel Receives Aid

    "Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are painful reminders of the work needed for the Calcasieu Ship Channel and our critical wetlands in Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "Today, I proudly supported funding our nation's emergency dredging needs, and I call on Colonel Lee and the Army Corps to provide $40 million of that for the Calcasieu Ship Channel. It must be a top priority for the Corps."
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  • Boustany Discusses Hurricane Recovery Priorities with Governor

    "I appreciate Governor Jindal coming to Washington to demonstrate the needs our state has following two devastating storms," Boustany said. "The whole delegation is working together quickly to provide assistance before Congress adjourns. We are under a tough deadline, made much worse by the irresponsible dealings of many in the financial sector. I'm outraged that Congress now must take unprecedented action in light of negligent decisions by CEOs and others in positions of trust. Congress first and foremost has a responsibility to the American taxpayer."
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  • Boustany Introduces Evacuation Assistance Bill

    "Traveling across Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana to view the destruction of hurricanes Gustav and Ike, I saw the hard work lying ahead firsthand," Boustany said. "I also saw the difficulty many in our area are having meeting the expensive costs of evacuating. This is why I introduced the Evacuee Assistance Act of 2008 today. My bill is a starting point that would provide some help to residents who heeded mandatory evacuation orders by reimbursing evacuees up to $2,000 to cover travel and lodging in the form of tax credits."
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  • Boustany Discusses State Priorities for Gustav and Ike Recovery with Strain, Landrieu

    "I appreciate the Commissioner and Lieutenant Governor coming to Washington to stress the importance of timely recovery assistance," Boustany said. "After touring parts of Cameron, Calcasieu and Vermillion parishes on Saturday, I am amazed by the destruction across Southwest Louisiana. The delegation will work in a bi-partisan effort to ensure the state and its residents can access help promptly. While more information is needed for a full assessment, today's meeting helps us set the state's critical recovery priorities."
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  • Boustany Applauds SWLA Economic Development Alliance for Rapid Response Following Ike

    "Reopening our small businesses in the Lake Charles area is critical to recovery following this powerful storm," Boustany said. "The destruction I saw on Saturday in Cameron and Calcasieu parishes was incredible, but just as after Rita, we will roll up our sleeves and go to work. I appreciate the SWLA Economic Development Alliance for their efforts to help businesses get back quickly."
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  • Boustany, Louisiana Delegation Urge President to Declare Major Disaster Following Gustav

    "As I've traveled around the district, I've seen firsthand the damage caused by Gustav, and I'm working as quickly as possible to ensure people have access to federal help," Boustany said. "I appreciate everyone's preparations for the storm. We must now focus on cleaning up and recovering. The President must declare a major disaster to help our effort."
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  • Boustany Announces $1.5 Million Grant for Chennault Airport to Create Jobs and Spur Economy in Calcasieu Parish

    "Chennault Airport provides critical economic opportunities for Lake Charles area businesses and residents, and this grant demonstrates the commitment of leaders at the local, state and federal levels to its continued success," Boustany said. "This new center, which could create more than 300 new jobs, will enable many of our area's young people to receive necessary training for quality jobs. I applaud all those who worked to make this happen."
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  • Boustany Urges Southwest Louisiana Residents to Prepare for Gustav

    "Gustav should serve as a reminder to be prepared for a tropical storm or hurricane," Boustany said. "Residents along the coast and even north of I-10 should take precautions ahead of the storm to ensure they are prepared. If you have family or friends living in these areas, please make sure they have a plan to stay safe."
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  • DAY TWO: Boustany Returns to Washington- "We Need an Audacity of Action to Lower Gas Prices"

    "Members of Congress are ready to follow the American people's call for lower gas prices through an ‘all of the above' strategy, but Speaker Pelosi of California and other extreme environmentalists are blocking any and all action," said Boustany. "Let's work together to lower the price at the pump, decrease our dependence on foreign sources of oil and keep good paying American jobs here at home."
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  • Boustany Returns to Washington, Says- ‘Let's Do Our Job and Help Lower Gas Prices for the American People'

    "Gas prices continue to squeeze family budgets, this is what I heard across Southwest Louisiana," said Boustany. "Congress can act to help lower the cost of gas and diesel, but the Speaker and Washington Democrats refuse any reasonable compromise. Back home, I saw how we can responsibly explore for and produce American energy. It keeps jobs in the U.S. and is spurring our economy."
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  • Boustany Sponsors Southwest Louisiana Student ‘Healthy Living' Essay Contest

    "As a doctor who saw the negative effects of unhealthy choices, I know it's critical to get Louisiana's children started on a healthy path early in life," said Boustany. "The Children's Fitness and Food Essay Challenge is designed to spark interest in exercise and responsible diets that can help our children live healthier lives. I hope it will also give parents and teachers an opportunity to talk with young people about the importance of making smart decisions early in life."
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  • Boustany Announces $334,540 Grant for Chenier Plain Sustainability Initiative at McNeese University

    "We are running against the clock as each year another hurricane season brings the potential for a devastating new storm like Hurricane Rita," Boustany said. "I am committed to a long-term solution and funding to rebuild our coastline. It's critical that we do it right the first time, and that's what this grant will help ensure."
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  • Boustany Announces $334,540 Grant for Chenier Plain Sustainability Initiative at McNeese University

    "We are running against the clock as each year another hurricane season brings the potential for a devastating new storm like Hurricane Rita," Boustany said. "I am committed to a long-term solution and funding to rebuild our coastline. It's critical that we do it right the first time, and that's what this grant will help ensure."
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  • Boustany to Host Fourth Annual Education Roundtable in Crowley

    Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, R-Lafayette, will host the fourth annual education roundtable to discuss improving education in Louisiana.
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  • Boustany- "Congress can work on lowering the price at the pump this week"

    "People in Southwest Louisiana continue to struggle with outrageously high gas prices, and Congress is failing to do anything," Boustany said. "House leaders' inaction demonstrates how Washington is broken. Let's debate ways to lower the price at the pump for Americans- increasing American production, creating more transparency in energy markets and providing incentives for new technologies should be a start."
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  • Boustany Announces $6.1 Million in Grants and Loans to Improve Water Quality in Erath and Maurice

    "Safe, clean drinking water is critical to a town's growth, and these grants and loans enable families in Erath and Maurice to be more confident with their tap water," Boustany said. "I am pleased with this grant because it will help Vermillion Parish meet its growing demand. These are important projects for these communities, and I know the funds will be well spent."
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  • Boustany Announces $4.3 Million Grant and Loan to Improve Water Quality in Erath

    "Safe, clean drinking water is critical to a town's growth, and this grant and loan enables families in Maurice to be more confident with their tap water," Boustany said. "I am pleased with this grant because it will help Maurice meet its growing demand. This is an important project for the community, and I know it will be well spent."
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  • Boustany Announces $1.8 Million Grant and Loan to Improve Water Quality in Maurice and Vermillion Parish

    "Safe, clean drinking water is critical to a town's growth, and this grant and loan enables families in Maurice to be more confident with their tap water," Boustany said. "I am pleased with this grant because it will help Maurice meet its growing demand. This is an important project for the community, and I know it will be well spent."
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  • Boustany Announces $900,000 Grant to Encourage Arts for Lafayette Parish Schools

    "The arts are critical components of education because they often inspire students to succeed in reading and math," Boustany said. "I am committed to providing the best education possible for children throughout Southwest Louisiana. Art Smart is a well thought out program, and I hope the school system will use it to the fullest extent for their students."
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  • Boustany- "Our Armed Forces on the Frontline Deserve Better than Political Games"

    "Liberal Washington Democrats continue to play political games with our armed forces, and it has to stop," Boustany said. "This bill failed to fund our troops, it micromanages General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker after they outlined their plan just one month ago, and it hikes taxes to expand Democrats' pet projects. I am committed to ensuring our troops have the funding they need, and I will work to make this bill better before it becomes law."
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  • Boustany Supports Sound Farm Bill, Sets Up Fight with President

    "Southwest Louisiana farmers need responsible safeguards because of the uncertainties of weather, crop, yield, etc., and American food producers ensure we have a safe food supply," Boustany said. "I hope today's important vote will encourage the President to support the Farm Bill, but if not, I will work to override his veto. This is a good bill, and I will continue to fight for it for Southwest Louisiana."
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  • Boustany Votes to Suspend Filling Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Increase Oil Supply

    "As Southwest Louisiana families struggle with high prices at the pump, increasing domestic supply is the most effective way to ease these price hikes, and liberal Washington Democrats finally started to realize it," Boustany said. "This is only a small start to increase supplies of gas and crude oil to lower the price. Now, Congress needs to do more by increasing responsible American energy production to increase the supply further and drive costs down as soon as possible."
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  • Boustany Announces Support for Responsible Farm Bill, Will Work to Override President's Veto

    "The Farm Bill is the single most important piece of legislation Congress faces for America's farmers, and today's Farm Bill is the responsible safeguard our farmers and ranchers need in Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "This bi-partisan bill protects American taxpayers while ensuring we have a safe and reliable food supply, which is critical following food safety issues in China. I am pleased with this final version of the Farm Bill, and I urge the President to sign it after the House and Senate pass it."
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  • Boustany Announces $1.9 Million Grant for Lafayette Multimodal Transportation Terminal

    "A solid transportation system is important for Lafayette as the city continues to grow and prosper," Boustany said. "This grant will help increase our transportation capacity, and I trust the funds will be used effectively. I am glad the multimodal transportation project is moving forward."
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  • Boustany Sees Cautious Optimism for Farm Bill

    "The Farm Bill provides important and necessary safeguards for our food producers, and I have worked to make sure Louisiana farmers and ranchers are well represented," Boustany said. "I am cautiously optimistic about this Farm Bill agreement. It maintains an effective commodities title for Louisiana's sugar and rice farmers. However, until Congress votes on a final bill, I will be leery of a last minute tax hike or other poison bill from Speaker Pelosi. As it stands now, I am very pleased with this bill that puts our Louisiana farmers at its center."
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  • Boustany Condemns Hezbollah Attacks in Beirut

    "The Lebanese people have a framework to deal with political disputes in a peaceful and democratic way, but Hezbollah leaders continue to shun that system for open violence and conflict- today's attacks are no different," Boustany said. "I will continue to work in Congress to provide the needed support and aid to Lebanon and her people as she continues to serve as an example of hope for the Middle East. The Lebanese people must be allowed to continue the political process Rafik Hariri began."
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  • Boustany Announces 2008 Academy Appointments for Southwest Louisiana

    "These young people embody the best of Southwest Louisiana and our country," Boustany said. "Their dedication, patriotism and hard work are so impressive. I know they will make Southwest Louisiana proud with their service. I am thankful for their commitment and wish them the best as they begin an important phase of their lives."
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  • Boustany Demands Action to Alleviate Gas and Diesel Prices for Southwest Louisiana

    "Liberal Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi, continue to talk about their secret solution for skyrocketing gas prices, but they fail to produce any answers," Boustany said. "Raising taxes on American energy producers isn't an answer to lower the price, so let's look at increasing American production in a responsible way. Increasing supply will help reduce speculation and lead to lower costs at the pump."
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  • Boustany Commends Louisiana-Native Kent Desormeaux on Kentucky Derby Win

    "Leading his third horse to the red roses of a Kentucky Derby win, Kent Desormeaux is no stranger to winning," Boustany said. "Born in Maurice, Louisiana, Kent's first race was at Evangeline Downs with his first win coming aboard Miss Tavern on July 13, 1986. At 25 years old, the jockey became the youngest ever to notch 3,000 career wins."
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  • Boustany Praises Young Lafayette Artist as Congressional Art Competition Winner

    46 high school students from across Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana participated. Entries came from Basile, Carencro, Lafayette, Scott, Lake Charles, Elton, Cameron, Grand Chenier, Creole, Youngsville, Jennings and Duson.
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  • Boustany Praises GAO Report on Success of Health Savings Accounts as New Option

    "Today's GAO report shows how popular tax-free HSAs have become among American families in just three years," Boustany said. "Democrats should stop trying to dismantle this coverage option. These accounts help cover the uninsured and lower health costs with preventive care, lower cost medicines and fewer visits to emergency rooms. One out of ten covered families in Louisiana chooses an HSA plan, and they should be allowed to keep them."
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  • Boustany- "Dredging Funds Should Not Be Used to Cover-Up the Deficit"

    "A new WRDA bill will be critical to continuing the progress Southwest Louisiana has made, and I will again advocate for sound projects that meet our long-term needs," Boustany said. "Dredging is important for Louisiana, and it is important for the US economy. Shipping along the Louisiana coast spurs trade and leads to new buyers for American-made goods. These are dedicated funds which are being used to cover irresponsible spending, and its hurting potential economic growth across Southwest Louisiana and nationwide. More than four and a half billion dollars sit idle at a time when the Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to shift Southwest Louisiana's dredging funds to other operations."
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  • Boustany Discusses Southwest Louisiana Priorities with Major General Doug O'Dell

    "Southwest Louisiana continues to rebuild and recover from Hurricane Rita, and I appreciate General O'Dell's commitment to our region," Boustany said. "Today, we talked about FEMA's draft flood maps, funding for dredging in the Calcasieu Ship Channel and Freshwater Bayou and other recovery projects. General O'Dell is focused on helping people across Louisiana who suffered from both hurricanes to rebuild their lives and their communities. His experiences during the initial recovery effort in South Louisiana make him uniquely qualified for this difficult position."
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  • Boustany Provides Doctor-Patient Solutions at Healthcare Debate

    "Patients need better choices when it comes to their healthcare decisions, and I saw this everyday as a surgeon," Boustany said. "Ensuring Americans have reliable, timely access to their physicians must be the foundation for healthcare reform. Patients don't need the long waiting lines and restricted choices that come from government-run system advocated by some liberal Democrats."
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  • Boustany Protects $11 Million for Calcasieu Ship Channel and Freshwater Bayou

    "I am pleased with today's decision to leave the funding for the Calcasieu Ship Channel," Boustany said. "After protesting the Corps' original plan both in Washington and in Louisiana, I am glad the Corps listened to my objections. This would have been a crushing blow to operations along the Calcasieu River and Freshwater Bayou, and I will continue to fight to ensure these funds are not taken away from Southwest Louisiana."
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  • Boustany Protects Jobs in Southwest Louisiana, Promotes LNG

    "Our nation has a growing demand for natural gas and this amendment will help to ensure domestic LNG expansion," Boustany said. "This week I was pleased to attend the opening of Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass LNG facility located in Cameron Parish. Once fully operational, the facility will be the largest LNG receiving terminal in the world and will play a critical role in meeting U.S. energy demands."
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  • Boustany Commends Lake Charles-Native Dr. Michael DeBakey, Congressional Gold Medal Recipient

    "Dr. DeBakey is most deserving of Congress's highest civilian honor," Boustany said. "As a cardiothoracic surgeon, like Dr. DeBakey, I know the tremendous work he has done. Many of the breakthroughs he invented, I used, so today, I say thank you to the man who taught so many so much."
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  • Boustany Announces More Than $5 Million for Water Treatment Systems in Vermillion, St. Landry and Jefferson Davis Parishes

    "The funding for water improvement will help communities in Vermillion, St. Landry and Jefferson Davis upgrade their systems, providing safe, clean, quality water," Boustany said. "In addition, these funds will help each parish meet new environmental standards. Clean drinking water is essential, and I trust this will greatly benefit people in Southwest Louisiana."
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  • Secretary Bodman, Boustany Tour New LNG Facility in Cameron Parish

    "Liquefied natural gas is a sensible solution to America's energy needs, and the Sabine Pass is an example of this solution in action," Boustany said. "I am proud of the cooperation between Cheniere Energy, local, state and federal agencies and members of the local community. This demonstrates what can be accomplished when people work together, and I am glad Southwest Louisiana is a national leader in supplying the energy our country needs."
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  • Boustany Named to Congressional Healthcare Debate Team

    "This debate is an exciting opportunity to discuss solutions for America's healthcare system," Boustany said. "I look forward to offering both a physician's and a patient's perspective of the problems with healthcare, and I hope we develop answers based on the doctor-patient relationship that is critical to quality care."
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  • Boustany Commends New Gulf Coast Rebuilding Coordinator, Major General Doug O'Dell

    "I am confident Major General O'Dell will continue the good effort Donald Powell began," Boustany said. "We have made strides to rebuild all of Louisiana, but much remains to be done. I look forward to working with Major General O'Dell on rebuilding Southwest Louisiana, making our area safer."
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  • Boustany- "Working Families in Southwest Louisiana Face Higher Taxes as Price for Gas and Food Rise"

    "Today, as thousands of Southwest Louisiana families go to pay their taxes, they are also dealing with higher prices at the pump, medical costs and prices at the grocery store," Boustany said. "Both parties in Congress are to blame for runaway federal spending. The American people deserve better, and we must work towards lowering their tax bill, increasing American energy production and reigning in spending to let people keep more of their own hard-earned money."
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  • Boustany Welcomes Pope Benedict XVI to Washington, D.C.

    "Papal visits offer the Pope, Catholics and non-Catholics alike the opportunity to highlight important issues facing people around the world," Boustany said. "I look forward to discussions his visit will produce during this historic time. His message of faith, hope and compassion is especially important to keep in mind as Congress debates issues both at home and abroad."
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  • Boustany Receives U.S. Chamber of Commerce's "Spirit of Enterprise Award"

    "As we continue to rebuild Southwest Louisiana, I am proud of the cooperation between our civic and business leaders," Boustany said. "I will continue to support sound economic principles to strengthen Southwest Louisiana businesses and their employees."
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  • Boustany Praises Rice Provisions in U.S.-Columbia Trade Promotion Agreement

    "Southwest Louisiana rice producers need new, open markets around the world to continue to grow," Boustany said. "This Columbia Free Trade Agreement establishes duty-free quotas and phases out tariffs to make Louisiana rice competitive. In addition to rice, many other Louisiana businesses will be able to compete in Columbia. By opening this and other markets, our small businesses and companies can grow and prosper."
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  • Boustany Announces Congressional High School Arts Competition Deadline

    "Creativity is essential for a well-rounded education, and the annual Congressional Arts Competition gives me the opportunity to highlight some of Southwest Louisiana's best and brightest young artists," Boustany said. "Any high school student who is interested, should contact Holly Sibley in my Lafayette office with questions."
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  • Boustany Announces $27,990 Firefighting Grant for Sulphur

    "Following the United States Fire Administration Reauthorization Act last week, this grant will provide funds the Sulphur Fire Department needs to save lives and prevent fires," Boustany said. "I will continue to work with our first responders in Southwest Louisiana to ensure they have the training and equipment they need to perform their job at the highest level."
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  • Boustany Votes to Increase Access to Training for Firefighters, Meets with Westlake Fire Chief

    "Firefighters are most often the first emergency response personnel on the scene, and their actions are critical to saving lives," Boustany said. "I am proud that this legislation improves the training capabilities for these brave men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe."
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  • Boustany- "American Small Businesses Need the Tools to Boost Our Stalling Economy"

    "The original Stupak Small Businesses Act is critical to preventing local economies around the country from stalling," Boustany said. "Businesses with seasonal demand need access to temporary, seasonal workers such as crawfish peelers. America's small businesses need a solution, and this bill is the best option to resolve this looming economic disaster. After voting to stimulate the economy, it's inconceivable that we wouldn't pass a bill that costs nothing but will give many small businesses a needed shot in the arm. To do anything less would be irresponsible. I will work with members on both sides of the aisle to pass this broadly supported H-2B fix."
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  • Boustany- "Small Businesses in Southwest Louisiana Should Have Environment to Grow"

    "Small businesses represent the best of American ingenuity, and they are vital to our prosperity in Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "I appreciate hearing the issues that these small business owners face as they try to grow their companies, give back to the community and serve as examples of success for others. I will continue to work to fix the H-2B workforce shortage that hampers their growth as well as fighting against taxes preventing development and increasing access to a wide range of healthcare plans to lower cost and provide better choices."
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  • Boustany Announces IRS Seminar for Road Home Beneficiaries in Southwest Louisiana

    "I am glad the IRS is finally working with people who received Road Home funding," Boustany said. "Anyone with questions about their 2007 tax returns should attend the Lake Charles meeting to get answers directly from IRS officials."
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  • Boustany Fights $2,642 Tax Hike on Southwest Louisiana Families

    "Extra money for tax hikes might be in the family budget for people in San Francisco, but families in Southwest Louisiana do not have extra room in their budgets," Boustany said. "Wasteful spending and tax hikes are irresponsible. The Democratic House leadership must understand that American families are facing higher costs at the pump, higher costs for healthcare and education, and more money to pay federal taxes simply isn't there."
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  • Boustany Introduces Measure to Speed H-2B Visa Help for American Small Businesses

    "The current H-2B visa shortage is a crisis for small businesses in Southwest Louisiana and around the country," Boustany said. "Congress must renew our commitment to small businesses and quickly increase the legal limit for these seasonal workers, like crawfish peelers who work in the U.S. for six months before returning to their home country. American small businesses and entrepreneurs depend on these temporary workers, in the country legally, to fill untaken jobs."
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  • Boustany- "This Democratic Budget is Simply a Tax Hike on Working Families"

    "Tax increases on working families and small business are no way to govern," Boustany said. "Growing our economy, helping American entrepreneurs and allowing more families to keep more of their money are what a responsible budget should do. This Democratic budget is simply a wasteful tax hike on working families. We need a budget that will lead to American prosperity."
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  • Boustany Commends Governor's Improved Spending Plan for Southwest Louisiana

    "Today's announcement by the Governor is an important step toward repairing our endangered coastline that thousands of families in Louisiana depend on for protection," Boustany said. "I will continue to work to bring federal funds to these projects, and the state's commitment now allows us to move forward on the Southwest Louisiana Hurricane and Flood Protection Plan, which is critical for our region. Additional funding for Southwest Louisiana for improvements along the I-49 corridor also demonstrates the importance of continuing our growth to the state."
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  • Boustany Votes Against Latest Energy Tax Bill, Encourages Increased Production and Jobs in Louisiana

    "As the price at the pump continues to soar, American families do not need more Washington taxes," Boustany said. "We must reward innovation and ingenuity as we look for alternatives to decrease our dependence on foreign oil, but dramatically increasing taxes isn't the solution for Southwest Louisiana."
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  • Boustany Applauds General Honorè for Assistance during Hurricane Rita

    "General Honorè is a testament to the service, dedication and resiliency of our Armed Forces," Boustany said. "He stepped into a difficult situation with lives on the line, and he displayed true courage and leadership. For that, I will be forever grateful. It is important to remember the two hurricanes that devastated Louisiana, and it is equally imperative to remember those heroes who served so nobly in the recovery effort."
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  • Boustany Urges Permanent Rules for Gathering Intelligence from Foreign Terrorists

    "Our Intelligence officials are charged with protecting Americans in the face of real dangers - both abroad and at home," Boustany said. "Congress has a responsibility to give the Intelligence Community the tools and resources it needs to effectively gather information and protect American lives, while ensuring our civil liberties. Violent extremists remain a viable threat, and House Democrats need to remember how dangerous these terrorists are."
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  • Boustany Discusses New Tax Rebates and How Individuals Can Find Help in Southwest Louisiana

    "It is important for people in Southwest Louisiana to find out if they qualify for the tax rebates," Boustany said. "Some who would not normally have filed a tax form will need to do so to ensure they receive their check, and there are groups that specialize in answering tax questions."
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  • Boustany- "Our Farmers Need a Responsible Farm Bill, and They Need It Now."

    "Today, I heard from hundreds of farmers from Southwest Louisiana who talked about their need for a new Farm Bill," Boustany said. "Our farmers need a responsible Farm Bill, and they need it now. I appreciate Charlie co-hosting this year's Farm Day. It is an important way for he and I to bring Louisiana farmers' concerns back to Washington."
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  • Boustany Applauds Economic Stimulus as Boost to Families across Southwest Louisiana

    "Almost two million people in Louisiana will benefit from these tax-rebate checks, boosting local spending and keeping our economy in Southwest Louisiana growing," Boustany said. "I am glad to have worked on this important legislation that will spur our national economy and help our area small businesses."
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  • Boustany to Address Disproportionate Funding for Southwest Louisiana Coastal Restoration in Meeting with State and Local Leaders

    Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, will hold a meeting with civic leaders from across Southwest Louisiana to discuss integrating strategies to attain federal and state funds for coastal restoration in the region. Boustany, who will be joined by Garret Graves, Director of the Governor's Office of Coastal Activities and CPRA Chairman, plans to address reasons for disproportionate funding for Southwest Louisiana under the state's FY2009 Coastal Restoration and Hurricane Protection draft plan.
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  • Boustany Votes to Rein in College Cost for Southwest Louisiana Families, Make Schools Accountable

    "College costs have skyrocketed nationwide making a college education out of reach for many students," Boustany said. "Today, Congress began to address these out of control costs by holding universities and colleges accountable for tuition, fee and text book cost increases. In addition, schools will disclose critical and comparable information, so students and families will know what they are getting for what they are paying."
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  • Boustany Urges Senate Colleagues to Pass Needed Economic Stimulus Without Inefficient Spending

    "Loading this bill down with pet projects will only slow tax rebate checks to more than one and a half million Louisianans," Boustany said. "The Senate should vote on the bi-partisan House passed bill that won overwhelming support without packing it with special interest payouts. Many of the projects are worthwhile, but they will not stimulate the economy. This bill must encourage economic growth."
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  • Boustany- "Budget Reflects National Priorities, But Must Rein in Federal Spending"

    "The President's budget represents a starting point for Congressional leaders, and I am pleased that the budget funds our Armed Forces, increased border security and spurs the national economy," Boustany said. "It is now up to Congress to prevent massive spending increases and to be good stewards of taxpayers' money. I will make sure that Southwest Louisiana is represented at the table as we begin the debate."
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  • Boustany Named "True Blue" Award Winner for Family-Focused Votes

    "Protecting Southwest Louisiana families and most vulnerable is our responsibility," Boustany said. "I am proud of my record of standing for family values, and I will continue to fight for Louisiana's most vulnerable."
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  • Boustany Votes to Stimulate National Economy, Keep Southwest Louisiana Growing

    "Our economy in Southwest Louisiana is tied to our national economy. Because of energy prices, the home mortgage rate increase and weakening consumer confidence, we need a quick boost to our national economic output," Boustany said. "This is a smart move that will spur spending, and keep our economy moving forward."
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  • Boustany- "Terrorists Must Not Be Allowed to Stop Democracy in Lebanon or Anywhere Else"

    "Today's bombing in Beirut is a terrible tragedy," Boustany said. "The Lebanese people are strong and will continue to pursue democracy. The world community must continue to move forward in the investigation of the 2005 assassination of Rafik al-Hariri. The freedom that these terrorists fight against cannot be stopped."
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  • Boustany Welcomes Louisiana Students to Washington for March for Life Rally

    "All human life is precious, and those who came to Washington demonstrated that in a very real way," Boustany said. "The annual March for Life is a show of support for some of the weakest members of our society. I appreciate those across Louisiana who work to improve the lives of pregnant women and their unborn children."
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  • Boustany Pushes for GO Zone Extension in Economic Stimulus Package

    "If the President and Congressional leaders are serious about boosting the economy, extending the GO Zone tax provisions is the place to start," Boustany said. "The GO Zone credits allowed hundreds of small businesses across Louisiana to rebuild, boosting our economy. Extending the deadlines for the GO Zone provisions will allow more businesses to contribute to our economy as well."
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  • Boustany Fights 40¢ Per Gallon Gas Tax Hike

    "Families across Southwest Louisiana are struggling with dramatic increases in oil and gas prices, and a 40 cent tax hike is ridiculous," Boustany said. "Washington needs to fund transportation repairs, but we have a responsibility to cut wasteful spending instead of hiking taxes. Increasing taxes isn't a solution."
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  • Boustany Accepting Applications for Summer Internships, Deadline February 15, 2008

    "Internships provide an opportunity for young people to learn about our government and the political process from the inside," Boustany said. "Many of Louisiana's best and brightest have worked for me for a summer or semester in our nation's Capitol, and I greatly appreciate their efforts."
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  • Boustany Announces More Than $31 Million in Appropriations for Southwest Louisiana

    "These appropriations will help spur economic development, repair our area's infrastructure and preserve our coastline and wetlands," Boustany said. "This funding helps address many problems facing Southwest Louisiana as we continue to rebuild following Hurricane Rita."
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  • Boustany Votes to Prevent $50 Billion Tax Hike on Southwest Louisiana Families

    "Families across Southwest Louisiana faced a tax hike from the alternative minimum tax. Congressional action prevented thousands of families in Southwest Louisiana from paying even higher tax bills, but we still must reign in spending and be fiscally accountable to the American taxpayer," said Boustany. "We must be good stewards of taxpayer money in Washington."
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  • Boustany Urges One Year Extension of Farm Bill to Provide Security to Louisiana Food Producers

    "As our farmers and ranchers get ready for the planting season, they need to know what they can expect from Congress," said Boustany. "It is crucial for these families that the Farm Bill be passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President. Until then, Congress must move quickly to ensure USDA has time to implement these programs before the spring."
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  • Boustany Co-sponsors Legislation to Improve Access to Qualified Physicians in Southwest Louisiana

    "The cost of medical school creates a difficult burden for many qualified young people, but this legislation lets recent graduates repay their loans over a longer period of time," Boustany said. "We need more qualified doctors, especially in rural areas of Southwest Louisiana, and this encourages young doctors to practice in underserved areas."
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  • Boustany: "Jim McCrery has been a true champion for Louisiana and this country."

    "For almost 20 years, Jim McCrery has served the people of Northwest Louisiana, tirelessly contributing to landmark legislation from the protection of Medicare to welfare reform," Boustany said. "Jim has been a true champion for Louisiana and this country, and I am grateful for his service and his friendship. I wish Jim and Johnette all the best."
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  • Boustany, Baker Introduce Legislation to Extend GO Zone Tax Assistance

    "In the aftermath of both hurricanes, the GO Zone Program encouraged business investment to help the Louisiana coast get back on its feet," Boustany said. "The GO Zone has been successful, but it needs more time because of the slow pace rebuilding has taken."
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  • Boustany Fights to Increase Energy Supply for Southwest Louisiana, Votes Against "No Energy" Energy Bill

    "A purported energy bill without any potential to increase our domestic energy production is simply ridiculous and reeks of politics," Boustany said. "There is no silver bullet to solve our energy crisis, but one element of the solution must be an increase in our production at home to help stabilize the price at the pump and to lessen our dependence on foreign sources of energy."
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  • Boustany Helps Southwest Louisiana Families to Receive Tax Refunds

    "I'm glad to help folks get money the IRS owes them," Boustany said. "Families who qualified for a refund but have not yet received it should call the IRS or visit the IRS website. It is important for the IRS to be good stewards with taxpayers' hard-earned money."
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  • Ackerman, Boustany Urge Secretary Rice to Adopt Pragmatic Steps at Annapolis Conference

    "The U.S. should take a hands-on approach to create the environment needed for peace and stability," Boustany said. "Capacity building projects to strengthen the Palestinian Authority's legitimacy and governance are necessary to ultimately increasing the chances for productive and fruitful peace talks. This opportunity must not pass – the cost of failure and inaction is far too high."
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  • Boustany Urges Congressional Leaders to Extend Charitable Giving Tax Exemptions – Before It's Too Late

    "With the holiday season upon us, charities that depend on giving will be squeezed, just when folks depend on them most." said Boustany. "Actions have consequences, and Washington Democrats' decision to hold off on extending these worthwhile tax exemptions will result in a delay of tax returns for thousands in Southwest Louisiana and less giving."
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  • Boustany, Member of Conference Committee, Leads Improvement of Head Start

    "Few programs are as important as those that help our children during the earliest stages of their education," Boustany said. "Head Start is vital for our children in Southwest Louisiana, and I hope this bill will make a good program even better by focusing even more of the funds to help disadvantaged kids."
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  • Boustany Votes to Block 130% Tax Increase, Urges True Fiscal Accountability by Congress

    "So-called tax relief isn't relief when it raises taxes on Americans by 130%." said Boustany. "The people of Southwest Louisiana don't support raising taxes when Washington wastes taxpayers' dollars on a regular basis. Tax and spend frivolously is no way to govern."
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  • Boustany Urges Democratic Leaders to Hold Vote on Independent Veterans' Bill Before Veterans' Day

    "Supporting our veterans, those who served our country admirably, is one of the most important jobs we in Congress have." said Boustany. "To vote on this bill – to ensure our veterans have adequate benefits – is simply the right thing to do, and to delay or partner this with any unrelated legislation is unconscionable."
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  • Boustany Votes to Add $3 Billion for Road Home

    "Families across Louisiana depend on the Road Home Program to get their lives back in order." said Boustany. "This additional funding must go to these folks who need it, and I urge state leaders to spend it judiciously."
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  • Boustany Praises Passage of WRDA As Bill Becomes Law,

    "Two critical pieces of Southwest Louisiana's recovery blueprint have succeeded today with the passage of WRDA by the Senate and the $3 billion in additional funding for the Road Home." said Boustany. "WRDA will help prevent the devastation of future storms in Louisiana as we continue rebuild and upgrade levees and other infrastructure. The additional funding for the Road Home Program will help folks rebuild that which was destroyed by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. Today is an exciting day for Louisiana, and we must make the most of both of these programs."
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  • Boustany Votes to Override Presidential Veto for Water Resources Development Act

    "After seven years, WRDA is finally set to become law,"said Boustany. "This bill is long overdue, but now the Army Corps of Engineers can continue their work on priorities set by Congress to address our critical infrastructure problems in Louisiana and around the nation."
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  • Boustany Urges Veto Override for Water Resources

    "The President's veto today is an unfortunate setback for WRDA, but I will fight to override his veto to enact this critical piece of legislation for Southwest Louisiana," said Boustany. "As we continue to rebuild, a strategic blueprint is needed, and WRDA provides just that. I will not let WRDA fail."
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  • Boustany Praises Governor Ed Schafer as Ag Secretary Nominee

    "Farmers and ranchers in Southwest Louisiana are anxious to see a responsible Farm Bill," Boustany said. "Governor Schafer has a tough task, but I believe he will put the needs of our agriculture community first. I urge the Senate to move promptly during Governor Schafer's confirmation."
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  • Boustany Demands Poor Children Be First Under S-CHIP

    Boustany, speaking on the House Floor, said, "The Democrats' bill falls short, yet again. It fails to give real priority to poor children. [They] shouldn't be playing games with this bill and children's medical care."
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  • Boustany Urges President to Sign Water Resources

    "As we work to rebuild Southwest Louisiana, levee reconstruction, the Southwest Louisiana Hurricane and Flood Protection Study and other infrastructure projects in WRDA provide a critical blueprint to prevent the destruction another hurricane could cause," said Boustany. "The President has a responsibility to sign WRDA into law, and if he won't, I will work in Congress to override his veto."
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  • Boustany Demands House Democratic Leadership Resume Debate on S-CHIP

    "S-CHIP is intended to help poor children in America, and I'm determined to make sure they receive it before the program is over-extended," Boustany said. "Stalling a vote and refusing to debate S-CHIP in Washington is irresponsible politics at its worst. It has been more than a week since the President's veto, and members on both sides of the aisle agree that a compromise exists."
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  • Boustany Urges Blanco to Give Honest Assessment of ‘Road Home' Deficiency

    "Louisianans recovering from Hurricanes Rita and Katrina need an honest and fair assessment of what they can expect from the state," Boustany said. "Governor Blanco has a responsibility to be open about the Road Home program and should provide Congress with specific requests. Congress deserves to know what the money will be used for- levees, rebuilding, coastal restoration, etc. We need answers from the Governor."
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  • Boustany Commends U.S. - Brazil Biofuel Pact as "Smart Strategy for Southwest Louisiana"

    "Agri-based energy sources like sugarcane and switch grass are viable alternatives to our current dependence on foreign oil and gas," Boustany said. "Brazil is a demonstrated leader in high-energy ethanol production, and this new agreement provides a responsible strategy for the U.S. and Southwest Louisiana to pursue."
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  • Boustany Applauds Cameron, Jefferson Davis and Vermillion Parishes Inclusion in Delta Regional Authority

    "The Delta Regional Authority continues to play an active role in Southwest Louisiana, providing needed funds to spur economic growth," Boustany said. "Cameron, Jefferson Davis and Vermillion Parishes will benefit greatly through improved access to economic development grants."
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  • Boustany- "Democrats delay of S-CHIP debate is inexcusable."

    "The Democratic Leadership in the House is holding S-CHIP as a political hostage," Boustany said. "Their delay of an open S-CHIP debate is inexcusable. This is an important program with bi-partisan support, and I'm committed to a responsible extension."
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  • Boustany Votes to Include Wind Damage in National Flood Insurance Program

    "The wind damage caused by Hurricane Rita was devastating to Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "We still have a long way to go to develop a comprehensive federal disaster response system, but today's vote to include windstorm damage in the NFIP is one important step."
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  • Boustany Votes to Extend S-CHIP Through November, Works Towards Responsible Reauthorization

    "I am pleased to support this extension of S-CHIP while Congress works towards a responsible reauthorization that covers our children in Southwest Louisiana who need coverage and access," Boustany said. "Thankfully, this extension bars illegal immigrants from receiving these benefits, which are designed for children, not those here illegally."
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  • Boustany Reminds Lake Charles Residents about "Help Is Here" Express for Prescription Drugs

    "Prescription drugs are costly, and many in our community have difficulty paying for the medicines they need," Boustany said. "The Partnership of Prescription Assistance is a great resource bringing patients useful information and finding them help."
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  • Boustany Praises Resolution Supporting Lebanese Democratic Institutions

    "Lebanon is the example of what a democracy can and should be in the Middle East and I encourage all party leaders in the parliament to remain committed to finding a compromise presidential candidate," said Boustany. "The recent spike in violence ahead of the presidential election is unsettling, but I believe the Lebanese people are determined and will persevere."
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  • Boustany Praises Passage of Bill to Aid Children Rescued from Meth Homes

    "Methamphetamine drugs put innocent children at terrible risks," said Boustany. "Drug producers and peddlers are ruining the lives of many in our communities, not just those who use drugs. This bill helps our local law enforcement officials care for children who are found in these terrible situations."
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  • Boustany Thanks Outgoing Agriculture Secretary Johanns for Service

    "Secretary Johanns has been a great friend to America's farmers and ranchers," said Boustany. "I am grateful for his service and his assistance for Louisianan farmers following Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. He leaves the Department in good shape, and I trust the Department will continue to represent all of America's farmers and commodities equally."
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  • Boustany Condemns Terrorist Killing in Lebanon, Urges Peaceful Dialogue Ahead of Elections

    "The violence in Beirut and around Lebanon must be stopped," Boustany said. "It is only through a peaceful dialogue of all parties that meaningful change can be achieved. As a Lebanese-American, I am deeply saddened and troubled by today's terrorist attack."
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  • Boustany Praises Local Determination in Southwest Louisiana on Eve of Anniversary of Hurricane Rita

    "Only two years ago, a terrible storm devastated Southwest Louisiana. One of the most powerful storms to ever hit the United States, Hurricane Rita paralyzed our communities, tore families apart, and changed our way of life. It is only through perseverance, teamwork, and courage that we have overcome so much. While much work remains, the spirit in Southwest Louisiana is stronger than it has ever been."
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  • Boustany Urges Passage of Sound Farm Bill for Southwest Louisiana Farmers and Ranchers

    "Farming is essential for so many in Southwest Louisiana and our state, and they need security to protect their way of life," said Boustany. "It is crucial for these families that a Farm Bill be passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President. Playing petty politics with our agricultural community is inexcusable.
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  • Boustany Applauds Independent Petraeus, Crocker Report

    "General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker represent our eyes and our ears on the ground in Iraq," Boustany said. "They are in the best position to accurately assess both our success and the remaining challenges, and I appreciate their straightforward answers and independent report."
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  • Boustany Praises State Department, Provincial Reconstruction Teams for Unheralded Effort in Iraq

    "Our State Department personnel in Iraq deserve credit for working under difficult circumstances and putting these reconstruction teams together to make this sort of political grassroots movement occur," said Boustany. "By working at the local level with localized solutions, local government institutions are beginning to succeed. I am confident in our American personnel who are implementing this new plan."
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  • Boustany Sees Progress in Iraq Firsthand, Presses Petraeus and Crocker for Answers

    "The bottom-line is the military phase of the Petraeus plan has been very successful, and trend lines show progress," Boustany said. "There is still room for improvement, but the situation on the ground is improving."
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  • Boustany Announces $3 Million Grants and Loans for Abbeville General Hospital

    "Local medical facilities like Abbeville General Hospital provide vital access to healthcare for families in Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "Repairing our infrastructure continues to be one of my main priorities in Congress, and these funds help achieve that goal."
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  • Boustany Announces $517,000 Loan for Washington and St. Landry Parish

    "Ensuring all Southwest Louisianans have access to safe drinking water is critical for our families," Boustany said. "As a result of this low-cost loan, people living and working in Washington and around St. Landry Parish can be confident in their water supply."
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  • Boustany Opposes Medicare Cuts and Tax Increases

    "Seniors in Southwest Louisiana and across America depend on the Medicare Advantage program, and cutting it is both irresponsible and dangerous," Boustany said. "Seniors overwhelmingly support these Medicare programs and it is unconscionable that these benefits are being eliminated."
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  • Boustany Commends Passage of Water Resources Development Act for Southwest Louisianans

    "The Water Resources Development Act of 2007 is a critical component of the rebuilding process in Southwest Louisiana," said Boustany. "The Southwest Louisiana Hurricane and Flood Protection Study is a positive step towards a necessary safeguard for hard-working families living along the Louisiana Coast."
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  • Boustany Announces $30,000 Grant for W.C. Read Community Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. in Mamou

    "This grant provides the funding for essential equipment for the W.C. Read Community Volunteer Fire Department, and ensuring our first responders have the equipment they need is critically important to Southwestern Louisianans," Boustany said.
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  • Boustany Announces $88,000 for Rayne's Gossen Memorial Park

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  • Boustany Opposes Unparalleled Tax Hike on Southwest Louisianans in Farm Bill

    "I worked hard over many months in a bi-partisan manner on the Agriculture Committee to produce an effective piece of legislation for Southwestern Louisiana farmers, but the House Democratic leadership hijacked this bill at the last minute," said Boustany.
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  • Boustany, Alexander Offer Amendment to Farm Bill to Protect Louisiana's Sweet Potato Farmers

    Boustany followed, "This amendment would provide our sweet potato farmers in Southwest Louisiana the same assurances we give other commodity farmers. The Pilot Crop Insurance Program can work for our farmers and this amendment helps correct this fatal flaw."
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  • Boustany Announces Passage of Groundbreaking Farm Bill

    "I am pleased to have worked with the House Agriculture Committee in a bipartisan fashion to write a new farm bill that achieves the necessary reforms to stay within a reasonable budget and provides the support needed to maintain a strong farm economy" said Boustany.
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  • Boustany Secures $350,000 for Southwest Louisiana Health and Education Programs

    "Hurricanes Rita and Katrina highlighted the need to expand our state's health IT system," Boustany said. "It is vital that, in the event of a disaster, we have the technology to connect patients to first responders. This funding ensures that the CHTC is prepared to coordinate emergency response efforts in our communities should the need arise."
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  • Boustany Obtains More Than $26 Million for Southwest Louisiana Energy and Water Projects

    "It is imperative that we develop a comprehensive hurricane protection strategy for Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "Obtaining this money takes us another step closer to a solution."
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  • Boustany Emphasizes Southwest Louisiana in Global Energy Market

    "Energy security is a critical issue that has far ranging implications. The United States is dependent on foreign oil and currently self sufficient on natural gas. However, in coming years, the US will become an importer of natural gas as demand continues to increase to fuel our power plants, provide feedstock to manufacturing processes, and heat our homes."
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  • Boustany Announces Affordable Housing Grants

    "This grant is a great step forward for residents of Southwestern Louisiana," Boustany said. "I'm pleased that the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas offers capital to give the people of my district the chance to purchase a home they otherwise may not have been capable of purchasing."
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  • Boustany Announces $1.6 Million Grant for South Cameron Memorial Hospital

    "The return of hospital services is an essential step in the recovery of Cameron Parish," Boustany said. "The people of Southwest Louisiana need to know that quality emergency medical care is within reach if they are going to feel comfortable reestablishing their lives in Cameron Parish. I am pleased that FEMA has recognized the importance of this project and provided funding to see to its completion."
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  • Boustany Marks the Anniversary of Hurricane Audrey

    "Madame Speaker, I rise today as a native of Southwest Louisiana to remember the lives that were lost fifty years ago today when Hurricane Audrey swept across the bayou. In the early morning hours of June 27, 1957, the Category 4 storm barreled ashore, claiming at least 500 lives in Cameron and Vermillion parishes. Two hundred of the storm's victims were children."
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  • Boustany Reminds Residents of Need for Flood Insurance

    "Citizens need to be proactive in their efforts to protect their property and belongings," Boustany said. "One of the best ways to be proactive is to purchase flood insurance so you can provide adequate coverage for your property. Failure to have flood insurance can have horrific outcomes if flooding does occur."
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  • Boustany Protects Louisiana Rice in Farm Bill

    "The current Farm Bill has provided a sound safety net for Louisiana's rice farmers, and I am pleased that we were able to maintain that success with these provisions," said Boustany, a member of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. "By maintaining these provisions, we can create a stable and strong community for Louisiana's farmers and ranchers."
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  • Boustany Stresses Hurricane Preparedness for Those Living in Travel Trailers

    "The key to ensuring a smooth evacuation is to have a plan in place and all the supplies you may need," Boustany said. "With thousands of residents still living in travel trailers, the need for preparedness is much greater this year than in years past. I urge all Southwest Louisiana residents to plan ahead and take all necessary precautions for the coming storm season."
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  • Boustany Bill Passes Health Savings to Future Generations

    "HSAs have greatly expanded coverage, but this bill makes them more practical for the working families, veterans, and Medicare seniors who benefit from them," said Boustany, a retired cardiovascular surgeon. "By allowing adult children to inherit an HSA in the same way that a spouse can, this measure will help working families build ‘wealth for health' savings that can be passed on to other generations."
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  • Sulphur Native Interns in Boustany Office

    "Liz is a great addition to my Washington staff," Boustany said. "This experience provides her the opportunity to learn the legislative process and assist the many Southwest Louisiana residents who visit our office everyday. Liz is a bright student and I look forward to following her success in the coming years."
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  • Boustany Statement on House Stem Cell Research Bill

    "I remain opposed to legislation that supports the destruction of human embryos, and I am even more opposed to using federal funds to carry out this unethical practice. It is irresponsible of the federal government to use scarce tax dollars on false promises while existing treatments with adult stem cells offer unlimited potential without ethical strings attached."
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  • U.S. House Supports National Hurricane Museum in Southwest Louisiana

    "Southwest Louisiana is a natural site for the National Hurricane Museum and Science Center, and this congressional support marks an essential milestone in making this project a reality," Boustany said. "Our region is constantly learning how to protect ourselves from future disasters. This center will not only help us assist our neighbors along the Gulf Coast and throughout the country, it will serve as an integral economic development engine for our coastal communities that were devastated by Hurricane Rita."
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  • Boustany: Price Controls Are No Way to Solve America's Energy Woes

    "No matter how you try to dress it up, this bill still imposes the same price controls from the 1970's that only contributed to our nation's energy woes," Boustany said. "Southwest Louisiana residents remember the mass rationing, long lines at the pump, and consumer outrage that made matters worse the last time Washington got involved in the energy business."
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  • Boustany Defends Healthcare Protections for Employers, Working Families

    "With the cost of employer-sponsored coverage continuing to rise, further erosion of ERISA protections will only lead to additional costs for employers and working families," Boustany said. "Changing ERISA to permit a hodgepodge of new mandates simply adds costs to an already strained system. Instead of making the system more fragmented and complex, Congress should do more to give consumers better information, choice and control over their own healthcare destiny."
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  • Boustany Cautions Summer Travelers on Delayed Passport Processing

    "Residents in Southwest Louisiana who plan to travel overseas during the summer months should be aware that these applications are taking much longer to process than is normally expected," Boustany said. "My office is able to help constituents expedite passport applications, but they should be aware that the current backlog can take up to four months. Rather than face the anxiety of spoiling vacation plans, I urge residents to apply as soon as possible or contact my district offices."
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  • House Passes Boren-Boustany Amendment To Protect Troops From Commercial Exploitation

    "We owe it to America's fallen soldiers, and the families they leave behind, to protect their names and images from shameful exploitation," Boustany said. "While there is no way to ever express in words the significance of their sacrifice, we have a duty to honor and protect their memories. This amendment transcends party lines, and I was pleased to work with my colleague, Congressman Boren, to secure its passage."
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  • Boustany Submits Resolution to Congratulate New French President Sarkozy

    "In recognition of the long standing relationship between the United States and France, it is an honor to introduce this bill," Boustany said. "France has been a critical ally of the United States since the Revolutionary war, and its culture and language continue to leave an indelible mark on Southwest Louisiana. I congratulate President Sarkozy on assuming his new role as the leader of the French people."
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  • Boustany: Lake Charles Airport to Receive $12 Million for New Terminal

    "This is significant step forward for the construction of a new facility at Lake Charles Regional," said Boustany, a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. "This airport serves as a critical gateway to connect businesses and travelers in Southwest Louisiana, and I'm pleased that the FAA has realized the importance of this new project."
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  • Boustany Secures $1.6 Million for Lafayette Regional Airport

    "Lafayette Regional Airport plays an important role for economic development in Southwest Louisiana," said Boustany, a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. "With a record number of flights in 2006, Lafayette Regional continues to solidify its role as a premier airport for our region. As a frequent traveler, I was pleased to play a role in securing this funding for needed improvements to the airport's runway."
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  • Vitter, Boustany Announce Grant Funding for Erath Police and Fire Departments

    "This funding is a worthy award for the work and dedication of Erath's police officers and firefighters following Hurricane Rita," Boustany said. "With this new facility, the citizens of Erath and surrounding areas will benefit from improved first responder services from these devoted professionals."
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  • Boustany Votes to Restore Trust and Accountability in Student Loan Industry

    "Higher academic institutions and loan lenders should be above reproach when it comes to granting financial aid to America's college students," said Boustany, a member of the House Education and Labor Committee. "This is a necessary step in restoring trust and accountability to the student loan process."
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  • Boustany Raises Awareness for Long-Term Car

    "As hard as my generation may try to avoid it, baby boomers will be confronted with rising healthcare costs sooner than we might expect," Boustany said. "With chronic illnesses and disabilities on the rise, healthcare costs will only increase as we live longer lives. These afflictions require long-term care services, yet millions of Americans remain unaware that they are not provided under Medicare."
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  • Lafayette Native Wins 7th Congressional District Art Competition

    "I'm pleased that Jacob's artwork will be on display for the thousands of visitors who walk through the Capitol everyday," Boustany said. "It is a tremendous honor for him and his family, and I congratulate all the participants for their hard work. This competition honors the talent and creativity of all our high school students in Southwest Louisiana and throughout the country."
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  • Boustany Makes Good on Wager, Helps Build Habitat Home in Illinois

    "While I certainly was hoping for a Saints victory in the NFC Championship Game, having the opportunity to work with a family displaced by Katrina certainly takes some of the sting away from our loss," Boustany said. "Shirley Baughman is truly an inspiration, and she is fortunate to have a compassionate and thoughtful leader like Mark Kirk representing her family and the people of Lake County in Congress."
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  • Boustany Statement Regarding House Vote to Sustain Veto of Emergency Supplemental

    "Yesterday, President Bush vetoed a bill that, in my opinion, should never have seen the light of day. By setting arbitrary withdrawal dates in Iraq and undermining the ability of our troops to complete their mission, congressional leaders sacrificed many important provisions included for Louisiana's recovery. Now, nearly 86 days after Congress received an emergency supplemental request, we are back to the drawing board."
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  • Boustany Resolution Honoring Charter Schools Approved by House

    "Since their creation, charter schools have broken new ground in giving parents the right to choose the education that is right for their children. Today, they are revamping urban education by setting important examples for what public schools can achieve with disadvantaged children," said Boustany, a member of the House Education and Labor Committee.
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  • Boustany Statement on Announcement to Expand Energy Production on the Outer Continental Shelf

    "Today's announcement by Secretary Kempthorne not only clears the way for responsible energy exploration of our resources along the Outer Continental Shelf, it creates Louisiana jobs and strengthens our capability to protect our coast from future disaster."
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  • Boustany Statement Regarding Conference Report on Emergency Supplemental

    "More than eleven weeks after the President submitted his emergency spending request, Democratic leaders have returned a bill that moves up a surrender date in Iraq and undermines the ability of our troops to complete their mission."
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  • Boustany Supports Expansion of Small Business Loan Programs

    U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, today voted to increase access to the business start-up and economic development loan programs administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA). The Small Business Lending Improvements Act (H.R. 1332) strengthens SBA loan programs by expanding access for low and moderate-income individuals, as well as residents and medical providers in rural areas.
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  • Vitter, Boustany Announce Grant Funding for Abbeville General Hospital

    "The doctors and nurses of Abbeville General Hospital took on a tremendous challenge following Hurricane Rita and performed remarkably. This funding ensures that the citizens of Vermilion Parish will continue to benefit from the quality care they deserve," Boustany said.
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  • Congressman 'rings up' voters on health care (Baton Rouge Advocate)

    U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany Jr., R-Lafayette, hosted a long-distance town hall conference by telephone Monday with his southwest Louisiana constituents.
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  • Boustany Praises Passage of Water Resources Development Act

    "This sets in motion a decades-long journey to complete one of the most ambitious coastal restoration and hurricane protection projects in our history," Boustany said. "These waterways are far more than commercial routes or playgrounds – they are a critical buffer to protect the homes, businesses, and way of life that make Louisiana so unique.
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  • Boustany: WRDA Leads to Increased Economic Development for St. Landry Parish

    "This long-awaited project will be a significant benefit to Melville and its surrounding towns," Boustany said. "By providing commercial and recreational fishermen easy access to the Atchafalaya River, this boat ramp will increase local tourism and contribute to the economic development of St. Landry Parish."
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  • Boustany Highlights Calcasieu Projects in WRDA

    "The Port of Lake Charles is Southwest Louisiana's critical link to businesses throughout the world," Boustany said. "By making the ship channels and waterways that surround the port more navigable, these projects will keep international commerce moving without delays. I will continue to be an advocate for projects that support the Port of Lake Charles in its strategic role."
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  • Boustany Approves Streamlining Disaster Loan Process

    "Disaster loans provided an essential boost to countless residents and small businesses following Hurricane Rita," Boustany said. "This bill is a balance between streamlining the disaster loan process and ensuring that taxpayer money is spent wisely. By allowing local lenders to have a role in the loan process, small business owners will be able to avoid the bureaucracy that slowed recovery for so many."
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  • Boustany Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion

    "Today's ruling is a long awaited victory for the majority of Americans that oppose the horrible practice of partial-birth abortion."
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  • Boustany Supports Improved Healthcare for America's Soldiers

    "All of the men and women of the military, especially those returning from combat, deserve the best care possible," Boustany said. "Like all Americans, I was shocked at the revelations of unacceptable conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. While our military works to correct the many failures of that incident, this bill provides an important first step for Congress to ensure that our military men and women, and their families, have access to the essential care they have so rightly earned."
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  • Boustany Statement Regarding Passage of the Emergency Supplemental

    "Today, while House Democrats celebrate this vote as a ‘victory,' the people of the Gulf Coast and our troops in the field have become the victims of a prolonged partisan spat among Washington politicians. "
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  • Boustany Statement Regarding House Democratic Budget Proposal

    "Less than three months into this new Congress, I'm disappointed that House Democrats have chosen to decelerate an otherwise growing economy by raising taxes on Southwest Louisiana families and proposing to increase spending far above the President's request. As I've often said: Washington does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem."
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  • Boustany Lauds Passage of Hurricane Housing Relief

    "This bill will cut down on the unnecessary red tape that has slowed our rebuilding from Hurricanes Rita and Katrina," Boustany said. "The federal government cannot micromanage the recovery process, but it can provide support for local decision makers to create the environment for small business owners, schools, and homeowners to return, rebuild and become success stories."
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  • Boustany Column: Our Recovery is Not a Bargaining Chip

    "The President proposed an emergency spending plan of $100 billion to support the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and provide continued assistance to the residents of the Gulf Coast. Washington Democrats are taking advantage of this bill by imposing conditions that micro-manage our military commanders in the field, and increasing the price tag to nearly $125 billion."
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  • Boustany Guides WRDA Bill to House Floor Vote

    "WRDA not only addresses the immediate needs of our state, it holds the Corps accountable to producing a comprehensive, long-term plan for restoring Southwest Louisiana's coast," Boustany said. "This is far from the final chapter in our fight against coastal erosion, but it is a significant step forward."
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  • Boustany Applauds Additional Funding for Grand Chenier Elementary

    "I am pleased that FEMA has released this funding for Grand Chenier Elementary," Boustany said. "Rebuilding our schools is an essential part of Southwest Louisiana's recovery from Rita, and this funding provides Dr. Doug Chance and the community leaders in Cameron Parish with the resources they need to get Grand Chenier Elementary back up and running.
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  • Boustany Leads Effort to Improve Water for Southwest Louisiana Communities

    "These water infrastructure projects are essential to the health of our economy and our environment in Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "With the increased growth in our region, it is all the more important for local and rural communities to receive additional funding for their wastewater needs."
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  • Boustany Calls for Full Funding of Low Income Energy Assistance

    "LIHEAP is a vital safety net that helps many low-income families and seniors in Southwest Louisiana stay healthy and cool during the summer," Boustany said. "Seniors should not have to choose between paying their home energy bill and meeting the expenses of other basic essentials such as food or prescription drugs. Congress has a responsibility to fully authorize this program."
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  • Vitter, Boustany Announce Transportation Funding for City of Lafayette

    "As Lafayette continues to grow and prosper, it is important for citizens to have access to adequate transportation," said Vitter. "This funding will help Lafayette finish the construction of a new bus facility and help address some of the transportation and growth challenges facing the city."
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  • Boustany: Loan Forgiveness Long Overdue

    "This bill is a long overdue matter of fairness," Boustany said. "Louisiana suffered the largest natural disasters in our nation's history. We are simply asking to be given the same considerations that other states have received in recovering from other catastrophic events. I'm also pleased that this bill allows for the full federal cost share for debris removal in the Rita impacted parishes in Southwest Louisiana."
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  • Boustany Supports Improved Oversight for Foreign Investment

    "The Dubai Ports deal proved that the oversight of foreign investment needed a complete restructuring," Boustany said. "I'm pleased that we were able to find a balance between providing transparency to the CFIUS process while also creating and protecting the jobs that foreign investment creates."
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  • Ready for readers (Lake Charles American Press)

    Local and state officials hailed the reopening of two Cameron Parish library branches as a strong sign the battered coastal community is overcoming Hurricane Rita."This is right at the focal point at what we need to keep our children and grandchildren in our communities," Boustany said.
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  • Ethanol, cotton subsidy among Farm Bill topics at forum (The Advocate)

    Ethanol and concerns about federal aid for agriculture dominated Thursday's farm forum hosted by two congressman representing the breadth of Louisiana's coastal and near-coastal parishes from Mississippi to Texas.
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  • Boustany Accepting Applications for Summer 2007 Interns

    U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-Lafayette) is seeking motivated college students to fill internship positions for Summer 2007 in his Washington, DC, Lafayette and Lake Charles offices. These unpaid internships are highly selective, yet offer participants a first-hand look at the American legislative and political process. Office duties include greeting visitors, conducting research, answering telephones, attending hearings, and handling congressional correspondence.
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  • Boustany Applauds Over $1.5 Million to Support Homeless Programs in the 7th District

    "This funding supports the countless volunteers who work tirelessly to provide shelter and counsel for those who might otherwise be living on our streets," Boustany said. "The people of Southwest Louisiana have always been known for their service to the neediest in our society, and these grants are a testament to that."
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  • Boustany Statement During House Iraq Debate

    U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, today delivered remarks the House floor on the Iraq resolution introduced by House Democrats.
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  • Boustany, Melancon to Host "Farm Day 2007"

    U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, and U.S. Representative Charlie Melancon, D-Napoleonville, next week will host Farm Day 2007, a forum to better prepare farmers and ranchers in South Louisiana with information regarding the renewal of the Farm Bill. The forum, at the Rayne Civic Center in Rayne, Louisiana, will feature agriculture experts, leading researchers and industry specialists.
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  • Boustany Touts SW Louisiana for National Hurricane Museum

    "A National Hurricane Museum would not only serve as a historical center to study the effects that hurricanes have on our coast, it will be a living memorial to attract scholars, students, and tourists to Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "Our region is constantly learning how to protect ourselves from future disaster. This project will help us assist our neighbors along the Gulf Coast, and throughout the country, in that important effort."
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  • Boustany Continues to Raise Awareness for "The Forgotten Storm"

    "The official title for this hearing ‘Federal Housing Response to Hurricane Katrina' suggests that there was only one storm that hit the Gulf Coast in 2005," Boustany said in his remarks. "In fact, a storm of similar magnitude and destruction made landfall approximately one month later."
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  • Vitter, Boustany Announce Funding for Crowley Fire Department

    "This is great news for Crowley firefighters. Firefighters and other first responders are critical to every community, and it is important that they have access to up-to-date equipment," said Vitter.
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  • Boustany Praises DOT Plans to Target the I-10 Corridor

    "I commend Secretary Peters for including the I-10 corridor as a finalist for this important program," said Boustany, a member of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. "Southwest Louisiana's continued growth and rebuilding requires increased safety and less congestion on our transportation network. By targeting the I-10 corridor, I am hopeful that we can continue working to improve the daily lives of our residents and the movement of goods throughout Louisiana."
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  • Boustany Legislation Assists with Improvement of Southwest Louisiana Waterways

    "Since 1972, quality standards set by the Clean Water Act have helped local communities in Southwest Louisiana improve the quality of our waterways," Boustany said. "The study I proposed today is an important step towards helping these municipalities cover that cost."
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  • Boustany Speaks Out Against Genetic Discrimination in the Workplace

    "Workers have a right to seek the care they need without fear of discrimination by insurers or their employers," Boustany said. "As a physician, I am particularly concerned about the harmful impact this practice has on the doctor-patient relationship. Genetic testing has extraordinary potential for scientific research, but it cannot be realized as long as patients are wary of the terrible consequences that currently result when employers and insurance companies misuse personal medical information."
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  • Boustany Calls on Congress to Forgive Community Disaster Loans

    "Community Development Loans were essential in helping local communities in Louisiana stay operational following Hurricanes Rita and Katrina," Boustany said. "We should continue to assist local governments get back on their feet, not burden them with increased loan debt."
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  • Boustany Statement on President Bush's State of the Union Address

    "Tonight, President Bush reminded all of us that the problems that continue to confront the American people deserve common sense solutions that cross party lines."
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  • Boustany Statement Regarding Increased Violence in Lebanon

    "Like many Lebanese Americans, I am concerned by today's escalation of violence in Beirut. It is troubling that a Hezbollah-lead opposition has once again resorted to violence over dialogue."
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  • FEMA Announces Over $4 Million in Funding for Cameron Parish

    "This funding allows Cameron Parish leaders to address two key areas of their continued rebuilding," Boustany said. "The Jetty Fishing Pier will once again provide residents with a facility to enjoy the many natural resources that Cameron Parish offers. The additional funding for reconstruction efforts at South Cameron High School allows Dr. Chance and the school board to provide a safe learning environment for students in the parish."
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  • Boustany Honors Our Commitment to Veterans

    "Keeping our promise to America's veterans should be a priority for every Member of Congress, regardless of party affiliation," Boustany said. "Unfortunately, too many combat veterans who have served our Nation honorably have been shut out of the VA healthcare system. This bill will give them the access they are entitled to."
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  • Reps. Boustany and Kirk Wager Community Service on Saints-Bears NFC Championship

    "Hopefully my colleague from Chicago has already purchased his ticket to Southwest Louisiana because come Sunday, a new ‘Brees' is going to be blowing in the Windy City," Boustany said. "Not even the Bears' defense will be able to stop the combination of our all-pro quarterback, along with the driving force of Deuce McAllister."
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  • Boustany Stands Up for Oil and Gas Jobs in Southwest Louisiana

    "Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.R. 6. This ill-conceived legislation will halt recent efforts to increase domestic oil and gas production and will further boost our nation's dependence on foreign oil."
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  • Boustany Supports Reducing Interest Rates on Loans for College Graduates

    "Too many college graduates are forced to confront increasing levels of student loan debt upon graduation," Boustany stated. "I am pleased that this bill addresses that key problem, but I wish that my colleagues would have gone a step further by expanding access and opportunities for current college students as well."
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  • Boustany Named to Prestigious Highways, Water Resources Panels

    "Both of these panels cover the many challenges that continue to confront our state, particularly in the wake of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina," Boustany said. "I am eager to continue finding solutions to Louisiana's transportation needs."
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  • Boustany Honors Martin Luther King Day

    "This weekend, as we honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in ceremonies throughout Southwest Louisiana, we are reminded of the rare qualities that made this man such a heroic leader. His love for his country, and for his fellow human beings, was unlimited."
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  • Boustany Statement on President Bush's Address to the Nation

    "While I agree with some of the proposals outlined in the President's plan, I believe it falls short of addressing the necessary conditions that must be met before more troops are sent into Iraq. This proposal is a military solution to an internal, political problem."
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  • Boustany Receives Committee Assignments for 110th Congress

    "From protecting our coastal wetlands and waterways to expanding and improving highways, particularly the completion of I-49, T&I has broad jurisdiction over the many transportation issues facing Southwest Louisiana," Boustany said. "With increased seniority on the committee, I look forward to continuing to highlight these issues throughout the next two years."
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  • Boustany Cosponsors Comprehensive Minimum Wage Alternative to Protect Small Businesses and their Workers

    "Like many of my colleagues, I am more than willing to work on a compromise that protects both the workers who depend on the minimum wage but one that also protects the small business owners who pay the minimum wage," Boustany said. "Unfortunately, the Democratic leadership in the House has missed a great opportunity by instead introducing a measure that is not supported by either the Senate or President Bush
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  • Boustany, House Colleagues Encourage President Bush to Deploy Iraqi Security Forces to Baghdad

    "It is time for the Iraqi military to begin taking over the security responsibilities in the capital city," Boustany said.
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