Remember these moments?

The campaign in 2 minutes

Relive the biggest moments in the 2012 campaign in just two minutes.

The Undecided

Have they made up their minds?

They represent a sliver of the electorate yet could still hold the key to the Oval Office.

Join the 'I Voted' challenge

Prove you voted

View our map of voting stickers across the U.S. and share your own.

Facebook election insights

Why did you vote?

Most of the people who responded to our Facebook survey say it was a candidate who brought them to the polls more than the civic duty of it. Do you agree? Add your vote!

Campaign 2012 revisited

How Mormonism shapes Romney

Mitt Romney's faith influenced his career.

How Obama's faith changed

The presidency has altered Obama's religious views.

Look back at the debates

The four contests changed the course of the campaign.

Photos: Romney's final week on the trail

Exclusive pictures from Romney's official campaign photographer.

Photos: Inside Obama's campaign bubble

Obama's campaign photographer gives us an exclusive behind-the-scenes look.

Election video

CNN election night flashback

A look back at CNN's election night coverage, going all the way back to 1980.

Online voting: The future of elections?

Professor R. Michael Alvarez on the viability of using online voting systems in United States' presidential elections.

Aging in Oval Office: Who did it best?

CNN goes week to week with presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama for their first 198 weeks in office.

Photo galleries

Moments from campaign trail

The most compelling images from Obama and Romney's barnstorming days.

The men who made history

From Washington to Obama, take a look at the 44 who won the highest office in the U.S.

Your visions for America

What you had to say about your hopes for the future of the nation.