
Politico: Club For Growth Ratings

Three Dems survive Club's scrutiny

Three Democrats running for reelection in Republican-leaning districts got some electoral cover from the Club for Growth on Monday, as the fiscal-conservative group gave Alabama Rep. Bobby Bright, Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor and Idaho Rep. Walt Minnick grades topping 50 percent on an annual scorecard.

The Club, which rates lawmakers for their votes on taxes, earmarks, free trade, education and entitlement reform, gave Bright a 64 percent positive rating — the highest of any Democrat. Taylor drew a score of 58 percent, while Minnick’s score was 53 percent.

While Democrats do not often seek out the organization’s stamp of approval, the Club’s measured support could help these members overcome a challenging electoral environment.

A pair of Republicans scored below the 50 percent mark in the Club’s ratings, Delaware Rep. Mike Castle, who’s running for Senate, and Louisiana Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao, who’s one of his party’s most vulnerable incumbents.

Nine lawmakers, all Republicans, received perfect scores from the organization: Georgia Reps. Paul Broun and John Linder, Arizona Reps. Jeff Flake and John Shadegg, Colorado Rep. Doug Lamborn, North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx, Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, California Rep. Tom McClintock.